I am looking for biodegradable, 100% (or 99.9%) plant derived 2-stroke
and 4-stroke motor oils and lubricants. We have many vehicles running on
ethanol, biodiesel and SVO, and just hate the idea of putting in petro
motor oil on our next oil changes. We are looking for a bulk buy of some
sort, maybe even a distributorship, but haven't had luck locating a
business which markets 100% biooil for use in 4 stroke engines. Any help
is appreciated, I know its out there. Thanks!

bio oils and lubricants...in France
(all links to french speaking sites)

In France, you can find biodegradable oils and lubricants for sawchains or low duty purposes in any supermarket, and of any kind on the net : http://www.maison-ecolo.com/boutic/bou_list.cgi?codefam=sol&codesfam=hui&lang= For industrial purposes as well (i.e. http://www.weberlub.com/environnement.html , http://www.inter-oil.tm.fr/produits/biodegradable.htm , http://www.machpro.fr/redac/mp802/Z-125.htm )

other sites for biodegradable Motor oils :
2-stroke outboard motor oil : http://www.blue-oil-france.com/product_info.php?cPath=194_35&products_id=11724 or Tornade 2T "bio" http://www.inter-oil.tm.fr/produits/quadjet.htm (biodegradable but not made from plants)
or Eco2 : http://www.roueil.com/twostroke.html

4-stoke :
*HELIANTHE* ¨ : lubrifiant biodŽgradable 5 - 40 W pour moteurs essence et diesel ˆ base d'huile de tournesol olŽique et d'additifs de la SociŽtŽ TECNOL ˆ Escalquens (Toulouse), 1995.

Professionnals say that in 10 years from today, biolubricants will take 20 % of the lubricants market in Europe (1 to 2% today)
http://www.nf-2000.org/secure/Fair/S504.htm (in English)
but the french gov policy doesn't help very much the sustainable SVO business
Our friends and neighbours from Belgium are working more on biolubricants despite of few help either
but the best are the Germans
http://www.ademe.fr/partenaires/agrice/htdocs_gb/research_lubricants.asp (in english) http://www.sachon-exportadressbuch.de/cl/sid.php?f_lang=eng (type biodegradable lubricant to reach the 8 german bio-oil makers who can export)

For US providers, I guess that a simple google search can give you answers
"At least 13 independent North American companies and cooperatives are commercially producing plant-based lubricants", but often for hydrolic fluid or food grade use
http://www.fuchs.com.sa/fuchs-services.htm (plant-based ?)

but don't forget that "biodegradable from plants" doesn't mean necesserly environment friendly if plant production involves GMO and pesticides.
(or see BIODEGRADABLE LUBRICANTS DEVELOPED FROM ALTERNATIVE CROPS at http://archives.foodsafetynetwork.ca/agnet/2002/3-2002/agnet_march_26.htm)

and you maybe could do-it-yourself ?

(please apologize for my poor english)

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