on 2/4/05 5:41 AM, Legal Eagle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have just completed a simple condenser for methanol recovery, however I am
still left with a question.
Do I need to bring the glycerine to a rolling boil or just bring up the heat
sufficiently to get the methanol to evaporate (148.5F/65C) not necessarily
boiling ?

That depends on the exact shape of the boiling pot/chamber and still
head, but my concentrating solar still used to start getting methanol
in the condenser coil ONLY when the glycerine was "simmering".
The question is -- how rapidly does vapor have to be produced to overcome
the rate that it condenses before reaching the downhill side of your setup.


I can remember people mentioning other "equipment" besides stills for the removal of the methanol, words I can remember include "thin film", "evaporators", "vacumn" etc etc. Can anyone provide a few "buzz words", or links, that I should look for if I want to do a slightly larger BioD unit, 20 Kl/week, and do methanol recovery.

        Any thoughts greatly appreciated,

                Andrew Lowe
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