Greeting,Mike Krafka

   JFT  is  an gold  mine of  useful and practical engineering 
knowledge  and surely  the ability of the experts  time spend here
make this  gold ball knowledge of  rolling to all the places 
independent of  north , south east and west.Surely we make  here the
new  modern  quick way  of not only technical  education but also
humanised education so that our decedent need not  repeat  the
mistakes , yet we all  need   one noble educative attitude  so that
rolling ball   make us fell one in an localized word  , giving  and
taking  and we need  not divide us  here  due to religion , due to 
local culture and no racial pre conceits .
 Here  we had debate  about  sacred cow  that Keith has very 
nicely  handled , we too  have diverse  views , after all the world is
too big and we cant  agree on all.But here  do  understand  , learn 
as you  correctly pointed out .

 I feel like you that  the new generation  of the  rich and poor
nation  need to come to our list and feel that we all in the same
world as  much as  the new tsunami , earth quake , tempest , super hot
winds  are  going to come  to all the places.Let us all prepare to
come together  to face this  war against natural  calamity not
involved in making artificial calamity for human beings.
Here in this list we forget  this division as you  said  and surely
feel like you feel that we are all simple humans ,all need helping
hand .If  some one  starve  in this world , we too are  responsible as
 the  world is rich , world is plentiful , why there should be the 
war  and  the  misery.The world peace  cant  be  given only in the
hand of few political one and  powerful  media people only. Thus  the 
very important point in this exchange of view in this  list is 
exchange of  not ideas  , but  a valuable  Knowledge, ability of our
members to take ,and give   to one who need it especially for the
people from south .But yet we need  here  list members with the
correct  educative attitude  which you have and well  expressed .When 
the list members  grow  with this  correct educative attitude  the our
 knowledge exchange  ball will roll around the  world and make us much
united and much powerful  especially for the people who need it  so
that they can be powerful to as they  all will be made as powerful


On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 06:08:55 -0600, Anti-Fossil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a note to reiterate how important this exchange of information, and
> viewpoints, is for me.  When I found "Journey", it was a real education for
> me, covering several areas I had no prior knowledge of whatsoever.  I'm
> light years from being an expert in any of these areas today, but the
> discoveries I continue to make here help me to strengthen a couple of old
> allies I thought might be gone for ever, my love of learning, and the
> construction/welding skills I spent years honing.  I have yet to build a
> biodiesel reactor, or get started on biodiesel production, but that will
> come in time.  For me, I'm having way too much fun building my second waste
> oil heater, and getting ready to start building BBQ pits for the upcoming
> Spring and Summer season.  This list, more importantly, the people who take
> the time to post on this list, whether they have agreeing or dissenting
> views, American or Canadian (LOL Luc), what you are all doing is important.
> It definitely matters, and I think it will be through these types of
> exchanges, over time, that we will finally be able to "get over" our
> nationalities one day.  Who knows, maybe then our descendents will get to
> experience something truly remarkable, a life where they can simply be
> called "humans".
> AntiFossil
> Mike Krafka
> Minnesota USA
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 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua¨‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

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   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
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