G'day Hakan;

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Our Godless Constitution


Sorry but my earlier reply was sent by itself and without following comment.

You are right, but I think that many Christians also should learn "respect or please keep their crap for them self". It is numerous times that I met representatives for the Christian religion, that in an abusive way promote their religion and demand respect for it, without them self having any respect for what others belive in. This I say, even because my denomination would officially and by birth be Christian protestant.

I am sorry, but I fail to see in what way Ken did not show respect, he declared what be belive and did a general comment about religious variant in general. In mathematics X stand for unknown denomination

And were we speaking of mathematics I would agree.

and I think that in this case it was meant as such.

You can believe that if you want to,however anyone who has been around confirmed atheists for any amount of time knows more than well that the "X" is a lot more than a generic symbol. It is meant the way it was used. Like "X"mas is.

There's some kind of denigration implicit in Xmas? It's just "informal, short for Christmas". Hakan's meaning for X is the second one listed, a symbol for an unknown or variable factor; 6th is the symbol for Christ, Christian, from the form of the Greek letter khi, X, first letter of Khristos, Christ. I read "X-tian" in this case as a mix of #6 and #2. I didn't see any lack of respect in it.

I think I'd not be alone in that, when someone says they're a Christian, I'd want to know what kind of Christian - an unknown, variable factor indeed. If I didn't know that, "X-tian" might be rather apt. "He's religious, he says he's a Christian."

Ken said: "... much less an X-tian like our rulers would have you believe". What those particular rulers would definitely have you believe is that that would be *their* version of a Christian. Many Christians here, and many others too, don't accept that that is a genuine Christian at all. I don't think you accept it either, do you? Rightwing so-called "fundamentalist" allegedly Christian dispensationalists who are utterly intolerant and seem to know nothing of "God is love" or the Sermon on the Mount but rather crave the destruction of all life and make it soon? Have these people even read the Gospels? There's not much evidence of it. I've called them an "evil cult" before this. Christians? I don't think so.

I was brought up as Hakan was but I'm neither a Christian nor an atheist. I've had much experience of both, and though there've been many exceptions on both sides, in general I've seen more intolerance in Christians than in atheists. Whatever they might have believed, as far as the way they behaved was concerned, some of the atheists were better Christians than some of the Christians were.

Christians even joke about their intolerance, like this one: "A man was walking across a bridge one day, and he saw a man standing on the edge about to jump off. He said, I ran over to him and, said Stop; don't do it'. "Why shouldn't I?" the man said. I said, "Well there is so much to live for." He said, "Like what?" I said, "Well are you religious or atheist?" He said, "Religious." I said, "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?" He said, "Christian." I said, "Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "You are?!? Wow," I said, "so am I! Are you Protestant Church of God, or Protestant Church of God the Lord?" He said, "Protestant Church of God." I said in my excitement, "My brother, me too! Are you original Protestant Church of God, or Reformed Church of God?" He said, "Reformed Church of God." I could hardly contain myself. "My brother, me too! Are you Reformed Protestant Church of God of 1879, or are you Reformed Protestant Church of God Reformed 1915?" He said, "Reformed Protestant Church of God Reformation of 1915." I shouted, "Die heretic," and pushed him off the bridge."

You can find that story in several different church sermons on the web, with quite a wide variety of lessons drawn from it, according to the type of church.

I don't think the "sacred cow" case is a good comparison, or any comparison. That was a case of a disparaging colonial-era usage surviving in common parlance well past its use-by date, everybody accepted Pan's objection as valid, some valuable lessons came from it and we found a resolution ("false sacred cow"). I don't see that it has anythng in common with this.



Why are you so upset by not being especially mentioned, was it the lack of attention to your specific case?

I am sorry to disappoint you but I do not suffer from adolescent temper tantrumus (my word).

Luc - pinning for attention.....ha!

X-tian or whatever.

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