
I am confused, are you suggesting that documents could not be
written before 1200 to 1500 and are you suggesting that manual
production of documents (books) were not done? In fact, what are
you trying to tell us? I can not figure out what you mean. Are you
sure that Six Nations had no way to document things, or that it
had not been documented by someone else at the time.

Democracy by itself is an old Greek definition and since then there
are many variations that had been tried. It is very hard to find any
variation that not been tried and documented, even before the
Americas was discovered. The founding fathers did not create
anything new and had a very large and documented knowledge
base to draw from. What is it that is new in the US constitution
or unique in the US version of democracy? It might be that the
US corporations have extended rights, compared to the people
and in reality the US in a "Corpracy" not a "Democracy". LOL

I have no idea, but if it was something called democracy in US
before its discovery, it is a quite remarkable discovery.


At 12:42 AM 2/17/2005, you wrote:
Of course it wasn't then a written document but an oral tradition and a
model of a working democracy from which the founding fathers drew more
than heavily

> From: Walt Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:41:04 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Our Godless Constitution
> At 10:57 AM 2/15/2005, you wrote:
>> Has anyone else ever seen a copy of the Six Nations Constitution?
> It's hard to imagine that any such document could exist. The
> agreement was formulated sometime between 1200 and 1500, long before the
> Six Nations had a way to write such an agreement down. Any document
> prepared in modern times would be analogous to a modern copy of the works
> of Homer; i.e. the product of a long oral tradition separating the author
> from the present age.
> Walt

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