See below...

Ebay: thanks Theo, forgot about them. Why not ... starting out, I'd consider somebody selling cone-bottom barrels on Ebay. I read a great JTF article on how to make them ... I have two college degrees, and realized I couldn't make one, nor could I instruct my farmer father-in-law on how to do it ... we'd both be grinding till the cows-come-home, and we don't have those ... just
        nuts and weaner pigs.

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 23:43:05 -0600, Theo Chadzichristos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have the ability to make some extra reactors then I need,
and I was thinking of putting them on ebay or something but wasn't sure
anyone would want one. I might do that if there is enough interest.

 I'd be interested.  Shoot, why isn't there a BIODIESEL parts warehouse.
have put together nice systems, you have the experience, and it looks like you want to change the world. CHANGE IT ONE BIOFUELMAKER AT A TIME. MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM.

Umm, like an automatic washing-machine? We've been through all that here before, more than once.

Small farmers around here would snap them up,  if it was
easy for them. My dad spends tons of time fabricating/fixing his own farm machinery to bring in the crop. Cab sheilds, drags, plows, discs, blowers and pickers to name a few implements... they barely have enough time to keep their operation going, and no-way time to make a reactor. They'd make time to order oil, order methanol, dump it in and flip some switches, fill-up in the morning, and they'd even make time to wash, settle and filter,
because they delight in INDEPENDENCE.

Independent as long as they're dependent on a host of ready-mades? Hmm...

Make it as easy as making home-made ice-cream. They are accustomed to buying equipment. AG-SHOWS ... I've not been in two years, but I'll bet systems will be showing-up there. Maybe I ought to be a distributor when I grow-up. I'm going
to talk to people that are making systems.  They're on to something.
Someone said to
"stay away" from these systems ... why? They're way overpriced, but what else is wrong
with plastic reactors?

Maybe nothing, more like lots. This, for instance, from another message (be sure to check the archives link):

I've fixed on the Fuel Meister from Biodiesel Solutions as a quick and easy way to get started.

I'm curious if you are familiar with the unit and can provide me with any specific issues that need to be addressed or people that have used one. A couple friends and I are considering buying one for a coop arrangement. A small group of us would pool our resources to buy and manage the unit for our personal use.

It seems like a simple and reliable way to produce the fuel.

The consensus is that it's overpriced junk. It was primarily the FuelMeister that our criticisms of cone-bottom plastic processors were directed at - all those no-no's apply to the FuelMeister. User reports that we've had show that they produce poor-quality fuel that will not meet standard requirements. Somebody sent me this today, just returned from a trip (this is a very experienced person):

... and I saw a FuelMeister up close for the first time. It's really amazing how badly built it is. Exceeded my worst expectations. Todd is right about $15 worth of plumbing. I also got a copy of the biodiesel instructions that they hand out in workshops, and there's a 'smell test' in there - smell your unwashed biodiesel and if it smells strongly of methanol reduce by 2%, but not to any lower than 12%. They're dragging us back into the Dark Ages again.

That view is widely confirmed, sad to say. There've been several discussions of it at the Biofuel mailing list. You can read them here:; usertime=2002-12-31

Spend a bit of time, do yourself a favour. If you hit the "Click here for more on this subject" button it'll show you the whole thread.

Not untypical... "As for Rudi's junk, instead of improving the thing so it might get within spitting distance of doing even a half-assed job, he's now supplying add-ons instead, at a 400% markup, so it now costs $4,300 with an extra tank and a heater, which should be standard, not extra. You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons of high-quality biodiesel for that price."



I talked to a stainless tank maker today ...  $3,000 for a 100gal
cone-bottom ... manufactured right here in Canby, Oregon. Think I'll wait for more cows.

NUTS, speaking of them: does anybody know if Filberts / Hazelnuts would make the right kind of oil. I'm seeing they have 50% content. We occassionally get throw-outs from processing plants ... 800-1000lb totes ... might make 400-500lbs of oil ... how many gals is that ... divide 7.85? ... about 60 gals occassionally.
Is it worth looking into pressing that small amount?  Grind first?  I've  got
(20) 5 gal buckets of filbert paste ... yum, packed in their own oil, some  in
sunflower oil. It's for pigs now, (not for human consumption), but the pigs just say NO to all the oil. Since these buckets have been sitting a year plus now, I've got good butter/oil separation, a good third to half-bucket ... but is Hazelnut oil
any good?  Anybody give me the GO/NO-GO.

With regards to the methanol I think you will find varying cooperation form each company. I found some that didn't want to waste there time with me but others were very eager for my business. It would probably help if you could get under some kind of a small business/company name then companies take you more serious. Lab equipment suppliers might know someone who would sell in smaller quantities but if not just keep looking.

 METHANOL: I've been on the phone all day ... raceways, and drag strips  ...
I LIKE THESE GUYS ... "come and get it" $4.00/gal ... small quantites or by barrel. Miller Paint went to work for me and gave me three excellent sources they use ...
all of them panned-out too.  I got a glimmer of hope in being able to  believe
MAN'S word again. Best I can find is $3.54/gal ... I can see this hunt will be a
routine and constant in making BD.

BUT, Theo, you're right, these companies want to see legitimate business. One company salesman is sending someone to our farm to make sure we're a farm. I said, "I don't have a set-up yet, I don't have a company name yet, I'm checking FEASIBILITY ... but come on-out". He said, it's a LIABILITY-thing for us. "I don't want to see our barrel label on the NEWS ..." ... GULP SOMEONE please tell me what these guys are looking for ... they're going to find
barns, pigs, tractors, and lot's of Hazelnut trees.

I DON'T want to be on a radar screen ... sheesh ... can someone please tell me about MeOH in the US. IS IT LAWFUL TO OWN? assume yes ... IS IT A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE? assume no ... ARE WE NOT ALLOWED TO TRANSPORT IT? ... race guys don't ... it must be a no-no AM I RIGHT TO ASK TO HAVE IT BARREL DELIVERED? ... assume absolutely ... OK TO SIGN A COMPANY WAIVER, POISON MYSELF, AND/OR BURN THE FARM DOWN? ... assume sure, I'm free to do just that and there is no chemical-co liability ... these guys are digging for something else.

End of Message
Scott McFarland

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