Everybody's a Critic
   New voices join chorus pushing
   Bush to act on climate change

 At this point it's getting hard to keep track,
 but a couple more notable folks have joined the
 ranks of those calling on the Bush administration,
 either implicitly or explicitly, to act on global warming.
 Perhaps most unexpected is James Baker, former secretary of
 state and Bush family consigliere, who helped President Bush
 triumph in Florida in 2000. "It may surprise you a little bit,
 but maybe it's because I'm a hunter and a fisherman, but I think
 we need to pay a little more attention to what we need to do to
 protect our environment," Baker told the Houston Forum Club last week.
 "When you have energy companies like Shell and British Petroleum ...
 saying there is a problem with excess carbon dioxide emission,
 I think we ought to listen."  Ya think?  Meanwhile,
 Lord May, president of the U.K.'s most prestigious group of
 scientists, the Royal Society, is more blunt. He criticized Bush
 and other leaders who are failing to act, calling them
 "modern-day Neros over climate change,
 fiddling while the world burns."

 straight to the source: Reuters, 03 Mar 2005
 straight to the source: The Independent, Steve Connor, 07 Mar 2005

 James Baker:
 U.S. Must Address Global Warming, Bush Ally Says
 Mar 3, 2005

 HOUSTON (Reuters) - Former Secretary of State James Baker,
 a close ally of the Bush family, broke ranks with the
 Bush administration on Thursday and called for
 the United States to get serious about global warming.

 Baker, in a speech to an audience that included a number of
 oil company executives, said "orderly" change to
 alternative energy was needed.

 "It may surprise you a little bit, but maybe it's because
 I'm a hunter and a fisherman, but I think we need to
 pay a little more attention to what we need to do
 to protect our environment," he told the Houston Forum Club.

 "When you have energy companies like Shell and British Petroleum,
 both of which are perhaps represented in this room, saying
 there is a problem with excess carbon dioxide emission,
 I think we ought to listen," Baker said.

 Baker ran presidential campaigns for George Bush and
 served in his Cabinet and led George W. Bush's
 controversial legal fight to win the
 Florida vote in the 2000 election.

 The current Bush administration has been skeptical about
 global warming and refused to sign on to the
 international Kyoto Treaty to combat climate change,
 saying it would hurt the U.S. economy.

 Baker said he agreed with the decision not to join Kyoto,
 calling it "a lousy treaty" because it did not include
 China and India.

 But he said he supported
 "a gradual and orderly transition" to new fuels.

 "I think we need to go forward with some sort of
 gradual, resourceful search for alternative sources,"
 Baker said.

 Many scientists blame the burning of fossil fuels such as
 coal and oil for creating a "greenhouse" effect
 that is warming the world climate.

 The United States is the leading oil consumer and
 top producer of greenhouse gases. Most U.S. energy companies
 reject the idea that global warming is occurring. 

 Bush accused of 'fiddling while world burns'
 by ignoring climate change
 By Steve Connor, Science Editor
 07 March 2005

 One of Britain's most eminent scientists has attacked President Bush
 for acting like a latter-day Nero who fiddles while
 the world burns because of global warming.

 Lord May of Oxford, the president of the Royal Society and
 former chief scientific adviser to the Government, said
 the Bush administration must accept the case has been made
 about the link between man-made pollution and climate change.
 Continuing to deny the impact of human activities on the
 environment may ultimately have catastrophic consequences
 for everyone on the planet, he said.

 The Royal Society has calculated that the
 13 per cent rise in greenhouse gas emissions from the United States
 since 1990 will dwarf the cuts resulting from all other countries
 that will follow the Kyoto protocol. In a speech to policy-makers
 in Berlin today, Lord May will also castigate elements within the
 British media who promote "misleading" opinions about the
 true nature of the scientific uncertainties
 surrounding climate change.

 "If the public are misled into thinking
 climate change does not pose a serious potential threat,
 some policy-makers could more easily find an excuse not to act.
 The United States administration has shown that this is the case,"
 Lord May said. "All countries must accept the case has been made
 ... We need to ensure our own leaders and opinion-formers in the
 media are not allowed to act as modern-day Neros over climate change,
 fiddling while the world burns," Lord May said.

 "There is a real problem and the solutions aren't easy but
 it doesn't help at all to have people, for one motive or another,
 running around misrepresenting what we do and don't know,"
 he told The Independent.

 "One thing we do know for sure is we are changing the
 composition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
 that is going to have effects unless, by some
 implausible miracle, everything cancels out," he said.

 Lord May accused the Bush administration of doing much to
 undermine the cuts in greenhouse gas emissions the
 Kyoto treaty aimed to bring about.

 "President Clinton signed up to the Kyoto treaty in 1998 and
 a target of reducing US emissions of greenhouse gases by
 8 per cent between 1990 and 2008-2012," Lord May said.

 "But President George W Bush indicated in March 2001 that
 his administration would renege on that commitment and
 would not ratify the protocol. Although there are
 inherent problems with the Kyoto treaty it still represents
 the best way for the world as a whole to stabilise and
 eventually reduce carbon emissions. It signified a crucial
 first step in our efforts to avoid dangerous climate change
 by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

 "Small actions now are disproportionately important.
 They are more important than bigger actions later because
 of the non-linearity of the process we are talking about," he said.

 "We need a whole suite of actions that, in a sense, have to have
 an underlying embrace that there is a problem, and it is a big problem,"
 he added.

 In addition to urging America to ratify the Kyoto agreement,
 Lord May accused the Daily Mail of waging an undeclared
 propaganda war against the science of climate change.

 He accused the newspaper of misleading its readers
 with a misinformed campaign.

 "It appears to be conducting an undeclared campaign to deny the
 potential threat from climate change - in the past 15 months the
 Daily Mail, which attracts six million readers every day, has
 published six opinion pieces, including four from its science editor,
 that have used misleading arguments against the scientific evidence
 on climate change," Lord May said. "It brings to mind the ill-fated and
 disreputable campaign by The Sunday Times during the early 1990s
 to deny that HIV causes Aids. It seems that some parts of the media
 have not learnt the lessons of that unfortunate campaign."

 Lord May, winner of the Crafoord Prize, the equivalent of a
 mathematics Nobel, said climate change was so potentially dangerous
 to the world that people needed to be fully informed of its future
 consequences as well as the genuine uncertainties of the science.

 "Like The Sunday Times in the early 1990s, the Daily Mail gives
 undue prominence and support to the views of an extreme fringe, and
 misleads its readers about the state of our knowledge," Lord May
 said. "Nuclear power has to be considered as a viable alternative to
 fossil fuel that can generate sufficient power without adding to
 greenhouse gases."

 "It has to be part of tomorrow's future. I've every sympathy with the
 attitude that sees it through the emotional haze of a mushroom cloud,
 and terrorism makes it even more problematic, but you can't
 approach the things in emotional ways. There are real problems with
 nuclear but it's hard to see it's not part of the mid-term solution,
 ultimately one hopes one can move beyond it. We've got to
 investigate it now because we're on the verge of
 losing a generation of competence in the area."


 Emissions of carbon dioxide in 1990 (the base year for the Kyoto
 protocol). All figures are in millions of tons of carbon

  United States 1,348.2
  Russia 647
  Japan 306.7
  Germany 276.6
  Ukraine 190.9
  UK 159
  Poland 130
  Canada 125.7
  Italy 117.9
  France 106.6
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