That's a interesting point.  The USA needs to
 guzzle petroleum to support the US gov't incorporated
 national interests and preemptive wars of the future
 with major support from its consuming public. 

> John Freeman wrote:
> I completely agree that ANWR oil will not help most of us, and that
> increasing CAFƒ requirements, and/or other conservation measures, would be
> much more effective.  But I think the American public is just being sold the
> ANWR drilling plan as a way to "foster independence from foreign oil".  That
> is just a palatable spin to convince us itās a good idea.
> Don't look at it as a way to incrementally decrease foreign oil purchases,
> look at it as a way to lock in a local supply for "critical" needs in a few
> years, when maybe our foreign partners can't or won't sell us what we want.
> Then 1 million barrels a day will look pretty good, when the line at the
> pump includes Air Force One, military vehicles, ships, aircraft, maybe
> police and know, you can make the list, and you can bet most of
> us will NOT be on it.
> So I see ANWR oil fitting in nicely to help fill the "needs" of the
> government, NOT as a way to increase retail supply or reduce retail prices.
> But people might not support it if they thought that was the case.
> >President Bush clearly believes that drilling in the Arctic National
> >Wildlife Reserve is a good way to foster independence from foreign oil.
> >According to FOX NEWS, the President recently said "We could recover
> >more than 10 billion barrels of oil from a small corner of ANWR ... We
> >can now reach all of ANWR's oil by drilling on just 2,000 acres.
> >Developing a small section of ANWR would not only create new jobs but
> >would reduce our dependence on foreign oil by up to a million barrels a
> >day."
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