a time machine and return to a time when there was no offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The increased harvest of commercial fish that is now happening must be stopped. I will tell the People on their soap boxes that were saying death to the sea if we drill there that the narrow minded people of the future are here to help them stop the drilling. I will also buy a large supply of plugs and go around the world plugging the cracks in the earth that leak the equivalent of TWO Exxon Valdeese tankers of oil into the sea every day. I now see that this is killing the world.
Farmer Paul

Actually, Farmer Paul, your original post (below) was simply a bunch of opinionations that lacked both substantiation and substance. You've since had some responses that did not lack substantiation. Sneers and more unsubstantiated opinionations are not an acceptable response. The List rules, which you're obliged to read, and which you've been referred to before, say this, among other things:

"If someone questions you, don't just ignore them. You should be prepared to substantiate what you say, or to acknowledge it if you can't."

The List rules are here:

Respond to the replies your post received in a reasoned manner to support your views, as you would have to do in any normal discussion. Respond by return please.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

Please do not Quote items form "THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS" I am one American why does not like the EXTREME hog wast spewed by todays enviromentalist. Have you ever seen the area to be used for oil development. It is a vast frozen desert. Talk about the destruction of the environment sounds like the talk about the caribou when the Alaska pipe line was built. We now have MORE Caribou than before the pipeline. Don't make such wild accusations. They are beginning to sound like background noise.
FArmer Paul

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