
The number you give is WWII losses, I was talking about the
European part of WWII. This because we talked about taking
out Hitler. US lost several times more in the Pacific, than they
did in Europe. Otherwise I find your number interesting and I have
seen them before.

As Darryl pointed out Hitler took out himself, with the Russian
forces narrowing in, fighting in the streets around him. Many of
his staff had left Berlin, to be able to give themselves up to the
western part of the alliance.

I am also confused by the numbers for Finland, that your source
give. They must include the 1939 war and this can hardly be
included in WWII. The 1941 war was less bloody. The Finns did
throu out the Germans, who had helped them, as a part of
the peace treaty with the Russians. This part was very short
and it was the Germans who got killed, since they were moving
on the roads and were not keen on fighting in the forests, it
was like target shooting for the Finns.  It is said that Hitler
were not keen on taking on the Finns and the Swedes, after
seen them fighting in Finland. His estimate was that it would
take too much resources and got a lower priority


At 02:31 AM 4/3/2005, you wrote:
Hakan, you are not well informed.

World War II killed and missing
...............armed forces K&M....... total population of country

Australia............26,976.................6 million

New Zealand..........11,625.................2 million

Canada...............42,042................11 million

Britain.............357,116................45 million

France..............210,000................45 million

USA.................405,399...............125 million

USSR..low est.....6,115,000...............170 million?

Germany...........3,500,000................65 million

Japan.............1,270,000................80 million

Finland..............80,000.................3 million

The initial landings of the Normandy invasion comprised
Infantry divisions 2 USA, 2 British, 1 Canadian
Airborne divisions 2 USA, 1 British
By the end of the war in Europe the Americans had about 2.5 million men
on the continent, the British about 850,000.

In the Pacific, the way from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa was a hard
bloody slog. The U.S. Navy and Marines alone had about 60,000 killed and
missing, almost all in the Pacific. The U.S. navy had 5 fleet carriers
sunk, at least one other was never returned to service after being
damaged, and lost many other lesser warships. In August 1945 Japan was
incapable of doing anything except resisting am invasion with existing
stockpiles; it could acquire or make no fuel and little in the way of
weapons or ammunition. It could not threaten its enemies seriously.
The atomic bombs were a political weapon useful in persuading the insane
Japanese army-controlled government to surrender, as well as in
intimidating the USSR. The Allies could have blockaded the Japanese home
islands until the Japanese surrendered, but the American people and
politicians weren't willing to wait.

The USA, once the Japanese and Germans insisted that it join the war, made
a tremendous military and naval effort. In addition the Soviet war effort
was heavily dependent on American supplies for everything from food to
aluminum. The mobility of the Red Army depended largely on tens of
thousands of American trucks.

The British war effort also depended heavily on supplies and
equipment provided free by the U.S. - after the British had
bankrupted themselves carrying on the war almost single-handed.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005, Hakan Falk wrote:

> Dear Henri and Rick,
> I only like to put this "we took out Hitler" to rest. That the Americans
> single handed took out Hitler, is a myth that only exists in Hollywood movies.
> The crucial material support from US in WWII was the deliveries of war
> material. The US infantry troop participation in Europe was on a low level
> and not crucial. By only look at the loss of soldiers, you understand
> clearly who was doing the major fighting.
> Russia              6,000,000 troop causalities
> Europe Alliance    600,000
> USA                      60,000
> Germany was very advanced and introduced for the first time the modern
> warfare and materials, with a massive air support. They tested much of it
> in the Spanish civil war.
> US took out Japan, not on the ground, but with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This
> at a time when the European part of WWII was at its end.
> I do agree that the US propaganda methods was/is superior. Something that
> Hitler and his administration several times acknowledged and copied. This
> superiority is maintained even today.
> Hakan
> At 05:13 PM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
> >Dear Henri,
> >
> >We took out Hitler because Germany declared war on us after Japan attacked
> >us at Pearl Harbor.  Sadam did not declare war on us and presented no
> >immediate threat.

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