This is great ... finally we are making sense. The WMD is not the issue.
This is what I have said all along. People miss the big picture. Suddam
Hussein was the weapon of mass destruction. 100% agreed.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Henri Naths
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Re: The Energy Crunch To Come

 I would like to give a humble option here,
 ( Hakan wrote;...Criminal, established by the fact that we now know  that
Iraq were no WMD threat to US. )
We took out Hitler for the same reason, Him and Suddam Hussein were weapons
of mass destruction.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 31 March, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Re: The Energy Crunch To Come

> Bob,
> You were right and I am wrong and I am glad that I did get
> a very good explanation on how Hubbert could be so right.
> It also explains why president Carter was so genuinely
> worried, when he developed his energy plan. He had the
> foresight to realize that Hubbert was right.
> It also explains why we see the surge in the genuine hate
> of Americans. It is the cost of aggressive and egoistic foreign
> policies, that resulted in about 10 more years of artificially
> low oil prices.
> All of this, ending up in an almost criminal behavior by the
> Bush administration. I say almost, because I do not want
> to be too "crude". The legal aspect of being criminal, is very
> clearly established, Criminal, established by the fact that we
> now know  that Iraq were no WMD threat to US. By laying
> the responsibility at the feet of faulty "US intelligence
> community", the Bush administration is trying deliberately
> to avoid their  legal responsibility. A kind of reversed side
> of the well known argument  "it was not my fault, I was
> ordered to do it". LOL
> All of this supported by the America people, in a reelection
> of president Bush. I hear the false argument that  only 48%
> voted him in office. This argument is poor mathematics, I
> cannot get to this result, when Bush won with a more than
> 3 million of the populous American vote. It was the first
> election of Bush, that he did not have a populous majority
> and he was put in office by the Courts.
> Hakan
> At 11:16 PM 3/31/2005, you wrote:
>>All I know is what I read in the brief biography.  (and what I recall from
>>hearing about his work many years ago)
>>Hakan Falk wrote:
>>>I stand corrected and the only excuse I have, is that I only brought
>>>forward a mistake that I read earlier. I remember that it was an article
>>>about the hearings in US congress in mid 70'. Will however not do this
>>>mistake again, but do not despair, there are many others I will do and
>>>surely in my far from perfect English. -:)
>>>What was his field at Berkeley?
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