extensions of the second law of thermodynamics" or "Origins of Oil and the Abiotic Theory" , but no energy to be found.

The latter is particularly galling to me as a scientist, and a continuing source of confusion. the word theory used by a scientist is defined as an overarching explanation of a large set of data, with bazillions of studies supporting the concept. The basic atomic theory and the theory of evolution come to mind. The problem is those with a less pedantic bent use the word theory in the sense of conjecture or notion or maybe even hypothesis.
</rant> ;)

Aw, Bob, you mean Timothy Leary's Theory ain't nowt but condeckchair? Now there's a sad thing.

But I must agree with you about this. On the other hand, it's also true to say that the august edifice of science is pretty damn' good at ignoring excellent and watertight scientific work that doesn't conform to its comfortable assumptions, as one of those articles notes, and these days it's pretty corrupt with it, bought and owned, far to often, with he who pay's the piper very much calling the tune. And the results, which are then offered as "science". Scylla and Charybdis. Like life, eh?



D. Mindock wrote:
For some good articles on unconventional energy, see www.infinite-energy.com and read their pdf file, a free download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, you'll get a real sense of what's going
on. You won't find it here in this forum.
Peace, D. Mindock

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