Keith, I'm new to this so forgive some 'dumb' questions!

When you use the term bio-diesel, are you referring to 100% bio or a mix??

I've looked at the standard and I would assume its for 100% bio, right.  When we get into a blend, I would assume that since the bio contains no sulfur, that the total sulfur content comes from the petro.  I wonder how a blend would change the total sulfur content?  Is it simple math, since we have a 20% dilution per gallon??

I am in many discussions and the term b20 is used to indicate a 20/80 mix of bio/petro. My main interest is 'at the pump' what do we deleiver?? b20/b100 or n/n??

Tx, Frank


  Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>All.  I live in California and am trying to spread the use of
>bio-diesel.  I recently ran into an issue:  The diesel fuel
>regulations that are curretnly in place and the new ones on the
>drawing board.  As I undestand them, the big issue is sulfur.
>Current Ca. regs allow 150ppm..the new ones go down to 5ppm.  Does
>anyone know the sulfur content of bio-diesel [b20]?  Is it
>determined only by the petro-diesel componet of the bio-diesel?
>Tx, Frank

Hi Frank


Biodiesel is 11% oxygen by weight and contains no sulfur.

Also, you can use ULSD in any diesel engine if you add a little
biodiesel for the lubrication. "Adding one percent biodie! sel improves
the lubricity up to 65 percent" (executive director of the NBB Joe
Jobe). See Biodiesel Development Corporation -- Biodiesel: Cost
Effective Lubricity Enhancer:

The French add 2%-5% - mostly 5% - for this reason.

Keith Addison

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