So far, this is what we've had from GMOs, as far as biofuels are concerned:
GM Bacteria could destroy all life on earth - Report

Klebsiella planticola--The Gene-Altered Monster That Almost Got Away

The Deadly Genetically Engineered Bacteria that Almost Got Away: A 
Cautionary Talle

Web Note: In the early 1990s a European genetic engineering company 
was preparing to field test and then commercialize on a major scale a 
genetically engineered soil bacteria called Klebsiella planticola. 
The bacteria had been tested--as it turns out in a careless and very 
unscientific mannner--by scientists working for the biotech industry 
and was believed to be safe for the environment. Fortunately a team 
of independent scientists, headed by Dr. Elaine Ingham of Oregon 
State University, decided to run their own tests on the gene-altered 
Klebsiella planticola. What they discovered was not only startling, 
but terrifying-- the biotech industry had created a biological 
monster--a genetically engineered microorganism that would kill all 
terrestrial plants. After Ingham's expose, of course the gene-altered 
Klebsiella planticola was never commercialized. But as Ingham points 
out, the lack of pre-market safety testing of other genetically 
altered organisms virtually guarantees that future biological 
monsters will be released into the environment. Moreover it's not 
only genetic engineering that poses a mortal threat to our soil 
ecology, the soil food web, as Ingham calls it. Chemical-intensive 
agriculture is slowly but surely poisoning our soil and our drinking 
water as well.

The purpose of the thing was to convert cellulose plant residue to 
alcohol. Unfortunately it converted living plants to alcohol as well.

This is a good example - there's certainly a need for better 
cellulose-to-alcohol technology, and biotech should be able to 
provide excellent solutions. But instead we get this really bad 
science - sloppy, careless, arrogant, and VERY STUPID.

Regarding what I said about corporate spin, have a look at this to 
see what happened to Dr Ingham:
New Scientist | GM Foods | The accused
The accused - Is the biotech industry trying to silence one of its 
outspoken critics?

SUPPORTERS of the biotech industry have accused an American scientist 
of misconduct after she testified to the New Zealand government that 
a genetically modified bacterium could wreak havoc if released... 
"They're trying to cause trouble with my university and get me 
fired," Ingham told New Scientist.

The New Scientist is not sensationalist and Ingham's not being 
paranoid - remember what happened to Arpad Pusztai.

SEEDS OF DISSENT: Anti-GM scientists are facing widespread assaults on
their credibility - who is behind the attacks?,4273,4412987,00.html
 From the Guardian .....
The fake persuaders
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet,2763,723926,00.html
Guardian Unlimited
Corporate Phantoms - The Web of Deceit Over GM Food

We should trustingly put the future of our food supplies and our 
environment into the hands of these scumbags? And if we have our 
doubts then we're Luddites, standing in the way of "science"? LOL!

Somebody who's currently eating humble pie over just this issue is 
one Tony Blair, and quite right too. It's most delightful to see all 
the spin and lies blowing up in their faces. There are still a few 
honest journalists around.,2763,726540,00.html
Guardian Unlimited
Green lobby forces Blair into rethink over GM

So, amid all this excrement, when are we likely to get a real GMO to 
convert cellulose for us, without killing everything? Fat chance of 
any real science emerging from this disgusting mess.



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