International Energy Agency

World Energy Outlook 2002
(21 September 2002)
This newest edition of World Energy Outlook presents projections till 
the year 2030 for supply and demand of oil, gas, coal, renewable 
energy sources, nuclear power and electricity. It covers the world 
and 18 major regions. It draws lessons for energy security, trade and 
investment. It also assesses energy-related carbon dioxide emissions 
and policies designed to reduce them. (press release) ........Order 

Other press releases regarding the WEO 2002

* 26 September, Beijing
* 24 September, Seoul

Key World Energy Statistics 2002
(10 September 2002)
This new edition responds to the enormously positive reaction to the 
books over the last five years. This free publications offers timely, 
clearly presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption 
of all major energy sources.

September 2002 Oil Market Report Highlights:
(11 September 2002)
Crude Oil Prices surged upwards in August, with WTI closing over $30 
for the first time since February 2001. Lower Iraqi exports, North 
Sea maintenance and a reduction in FSU crude exports constrained 
supply. Crude Oil price increases outpaced gains in product prices, 
squeezing refinery margins.

Energy and Poverty: IEA Reveals a Vicious and Unsustainable Circle 
(press release in English, French, German)
"1.6 billion people today have no access to electricity. 2.4 billion 
rely on primitive biomass for cooking and heating. What is more 
shocking, in the absence of radical new policies, 1.4 billion will 
still have no electricity in 30 years time. This is not a sustainable 
future," said Robert Priddle, Executive Director of the IEA as he 
presented today a new document Energy and Poverty (Chapter 13 of the 
World Energy Outlook 2002)

"Watching Both Sides of the Fence" (press release 5 September 2002)
Robert Priddle, Executive Director of the International Energy 
Agency, and Alvaro Silva-Calderon, Secretary General of OPEC, today 
gave the first-ever joint press conference of the two organisations, 
following their appearance together at the World Petroleum Congress, 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Energy Policies of IEA Countries- Denmark-2002 Review
(published 4 September)
Over the past four years, Danish energy policy has made good progress 
towards meeting its high standards of environmental protection while 
opening its gas and power industries to competition. The concurrent 
pursuit of economic efficiency, energy policy and environmental 
protection is an issue of prime importance ...

Statement to World Leaders on Sustainable Development, by Robert 
Priddle, Executive Director of the IEA, at the World Summit in 
(press release 30 August 2002)

Natural Gas Information 2002(published 30 August, 2002)
A detailed reference work on gas supply and demand covering not only 
the OECD countries but also the rest of the world, this publication 
contains essential information on LNG and pipeline trade, gas 
reserves, storage capacity and prices.

Diagnosing the Problem is Half the Solution: IEA Brings Real Meaning 
to Sustainable Development. (press release 26 August 2002 )
"We are not on a sustainable energy path unless we make considerable 
changes," said Robert Priddle, Executive Director of the 
International Energy Agency (IEA). A secure supply of energy to 
underpin essential economic activity and provide services to society 
is essential if sustainable development is to be achieved.

Fact Sheet on IEA Oil Stocks and Response Potential
What does the IEA oil security system include? What is the level of 
IEA Member countries'oil stocks? What was the largest historical oil 
supply disruption? What is the potential IEA stockdraw capacity? Has 
the IEA used co-ordinated action in the past? Who holds the oil 
stocks? Does the IEA co-operate with non-Member countries? What tools 
does the IEA have to achieve its role? How does the IEA determine 
whether or not co-ordinated action is required? What is the 
difference between European Union and IEA stockholding requirements?

Oil Information 2002 (published 23 August, 2002)
A comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply 
and demand. This book is one of a series of annual IEA statistical 
publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal 
Information, Electricity Information and Natural Gas Information.

Bus Systems for the Future (22 August 2002)
Cities around the world face enormous problems of transport 
sustainability. Rapidly increasing populations and vehicle usage have 
created gridlock and sprawl, even in very poor cities, as well as 
unacceptably high levels of air pollution, noise, and accident rates. 
But improvements can be made.
IEA Reports on Ways to Achieve Sustainability in Urban Transport
(press release 22 August 2002)

World Summit on Sustainable Development
The Summit took place from 26 August - 4 September in Johannesburg.

Innovative Nuclear Reactor Development: Opportunities for 
International Co-operation
A number of countries wish to keep open the option of expanding their 
use of nuclear power in the future. What new technologies will they 
have to choose from?

Coal in the Energy Supply of India
Indian coal reserves are the third largest in the world, after the 
United States and China. India is the third largest coal producer in 
the world and the eighth largest importer. With annual production of 
310 million tonnes and imports of almost 25 million tonnes, coal 
provides one-third of energy supply in India.

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