Wrongo Greg,

I'm not "assuming" anything simply because I don't agree with your stance, save for perhaps the varnish and unvented room part. What I am doing is saying that you're dead wrong about their being no ingrained and/or nearly genetic characteristic that is expected in recruitment circles. As far as most recruiters are concerned it's very nearly a war game, and for a very large percentage one to be won at all costs short of getting caught ("losing"). This is precisely the type of mindset that erupts into plain view when you loosen up a random pack of these animals at a bar or private party. Nice guys for the most part, until it's "game on..."

This is not "cyclic" behavior (unless you're speaking of 24 hour cycles) or something "that was done several years ago and supposedly a rare quadrennial occurence as you would like others to believe.

Had you read the articles, or done any homework, or payed attention all your adult life, you'd know that it's more than "just a few bad apples." (Hmmmmm.....where have we all heard that one before? And before that? And before that? And before that? And....)

I guess to hear you tell it, we should just all accept the fact that the entire military establishment is as dumb as rocks, has always been and will always be, because they just don't ever seem to be able to pack a barrel with grade A produce. Maybe we ought to let the migrant community do all the hiring for the military? They can certainly tell a bad apple from a good one and know which ones to keep out of the crate.

Wake up and smell the coffee laddie!

Todd Swearingen

I guess your just assuming that, because, I don't agree with your

Like I said before, " It does not seam to be anymore than the white washing
that was done several
years ago, just more along the lines of a few recruiters, being more

Greg H.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 10:52
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New York : DA Drops The Charges Against Carol Lang


The military does far more than just "push the fun exciting stuff..." to
net recruits.

I guess you didn't read the references that were provided previously and
didn't do any searching beyond them on your own?

So is that high-gloss varnish or semi-gloss that you're using there? And
are you sure you've got enough ventilation in that room?

Todd Swearingen

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