just to elaborate a little further on the example of roads, there wasn't a 
lot of investment in them in general; whether for the peasants/serfs or for the 
lords.  and they--the lords--would have done so had they felt it suited them, 
but as keith aptly pointed out, one's affairs were much more local back then.

now, i expect this will raise a few eyebrows, but there is another aspect of 
the then/now comparison which i have thought of often for some years now, and 
insofar as which i honestly doubt we aren't actually worse off today.  i'm 
referring to freedom of movement.  specifically, the freedom to go to far off 
places/foreign lands.  back in the day, travel was not an easy affair 
speaking), given the lack of roads, lodging and transport (other than on 
foot), etc., not to mention the income with which to fund such travels.  
nevertheless, there wasn't anything to really stop one if one had a mind to.  

whereas today, the government (today's lords) has near-absolute control/power 
over one's freedom of movement.  one can't just decide to go to [your 
destination here] without the government knowing about it and approving of it.  
for most of us such movement isn't much more economically feasible than back 
then, either.

-chris b.
--- Begin Message ---
Hi John

Yes, but in the 15th century, those dues got you what passed for national defense and maybe some roads?

Today my taxes cover national defense, roads, trains and airports, educational services, the court system and social services. They also provide money to fund scientific research, space exploration, protect the environment, and fund public health measures and institutions like the CDC.

Um, now let's have a closer look at those things...

Or maybe not, eh? I can't see any of them that'll stand on their feet the way you want them to. The whole thing's gone rotten.

That aside, I think the comparison's valid enough, it can stand on its own without much clutter, but the comparison you're trying to make certainly won't, truly apples and oranges, if not cabbages and oranges. Roads? How much travelling did feudal citizens do, want to do, need to do? Let alone serfs? Most of them never left the village, nor wanted to. Economies were local, along with sort of annual travelling enclave economies called fairs. And indeed their lord and his men (thugs if you will) pretty much protected them, whereas most Americans freely admit you're a lot less safe now than you were before 9/11, for all the billions of your taxes spent on the "war on terror" (and on fomenting fear and loathing to prop it all up). And so on and on and on. It's all either a sham or it's being drastically rolled back. That didn't happen in a 15th century feudal village either. I'm not saying it was better, I am saying it was different, far beyond any basis for the comparisons you're trying to make.

Best wishes


So yes, you're spot on, that's progress for you.


Chris Lloyd wrote:
Some bright spark in the UK did a n in depth study last year and found we spend more time earning money to pay our taxes than the 15^th century tenants did to pay off the dues to their landlords and that included the house that went with the land. Thatís progress for you. Chris.

feu…dal…ism** : the system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court, wardship, and forfeiture

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