I forgot to inform Flextek will work in most _*injected*_ engines


Robert Rabello
Flextek can be used in most repeat in _*most*_ engines not all of them. Instead increasing compression ratio it changes ignition timing. Potential problems are fuel pump "erosion" type unless changed to typical alcohol fuel pump and winter time ignition. This part is solved by using a small reservoir of gasoline using an small electric pump like the one used to flush water to clean the windshield. Most of the elastomer are compatible with alcohol so low probability in having problems in here.
Very best for all of us.

robert luis rabello wrote:

Ryan Hall wrote:


I have seen several people mention E 100 on this list lately. I personally want to buy a diesel and produce bio diesel, but I drive EFI gasoline cars right now. The flextek device offers great promise for me to "do my part" now without waiting until I buy my Jetta.

That's the promise. I don't know if the technology will deliver, but it seems like an elegant solution to the problem of modifying EFI engines to run on ethanol. Personally, I would still boost the compression ratio or run forced induction, as I do with my truck. There's no sense in running 105 octane fuel in an engine designed for low grade pump gas. Nonetheless, the Flextek system should work on an engine that is unmodified.

My question is, where do you get E100. Is this available at the pumps, or is it something you would need to get elsewhere. A city about 45 miles from where I live just got E85, but I have heard nothing of E100. If I have the choice, I can just fill up on E85 every time I go there (usually about 1-2 times/week.)

Fuel stations in Brasil have been selling E 100 for many years now, but that would be a long way for you and I to drive for a fill up, don't you think? E 85, which is available in some American states, is likely your best option, unless you want to get a BATF permit and distill your own ethanol.

    I wish I could do that here in Canada!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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