i've never heard this term of 'the bilderbergers' before, but i don't find teh notion too farfetched.  more likely to me that their idea of safeguarding supply is simply to make it more expensive, regardless of whether it provokes economic downturn or depression.  take the fact that oil prices spiked again simply because of this tropical storm in the gulf right now; the rationale being that it could disrupt supply.
how do people swallow this bunk?  by the same reasoning, oil should have surpassed $75/bbl the very day we invaded iraq.
as far as your last comment is concerned, isn't it interesting that left wing parties and labor movements were far more widespread and mainstream *prior to (and during)* the great depression than *after* (this is especially true of the situation in the u.s.a.).?
-chris b.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Provost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 17:52:06 -0700
Subject: [Biofuel] ASPO on the Economic near-Future

>From the latest ASPO Newsletter:


> Expect a severe downturn in the world's economy over
> the next two years as Bilderbergers try to safeguard
> the remaining oil supply by taking money out of people's
> hands. In a recession or, at worst, a depression, the
> population will be forced to dramatically cut down their
> spending habits, thus ensuring a longer supply of oil to
> the world's rich as they try to figure out what to do.

I know, your eyes glaze over when you hear anything about
the Bilderbergers :-)  Interesting idea, tho. My Dad was
poor enough in the Great Depression that hey traded with
their Polish neighbors for sauerkraut and potatoes. OTOH,
my Mom was sort of aristocracy, and the same event hardly
even broke their stride! Funny how economic downturn may
even be in the best interest of the world's richest....


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