Greetings Robert,

I do happen to know personally the people who have a legal raw milk dairy in Texas and their cows are 100% grass fed. If your grass is up to snuff, then there is no difference. What I have found is that it takes more time and energy and a real learning curve to keep pasture in the condition that is needed to raise animals on just grass.

When I brought my cow home, she was lactating, but, I had trouble remembering how to milk a cow.[I had done it once at age 10.] My grass is not all it could be. I am getting there, but I am not there yet. Alysha and Ben hire people to come in and apply compost tea to their pasture and to re-seed it for them, etc. They have fabulous pasture and their milk tastes wonderful.

We bought our cows from the same commercial dairy, but they bought top of the line and I bought bottom. They are getting 3 or 4 gallons of milk from each cow, per day on a once a day milking.

I have had neighbors that tell me I am going to starve my animals, but slowly they are beginning to understand that my animals get real fuel out of my grass. More than their animals get out of their grass because I don't make the poor animal try to digest 2 incompatible feeds. There will be a drop in production when you change, especially if you do it abruptly. Once the rumen is adjusted to the new feeding regimen, it is harmful to feed grains.

If you want further information, I am sure I could put you in touch with the owners of the commercial 100% grass fed raw dairy, Ben and Alysha.

Bright Blessings,

I have a question I'd like to pose to those of you who are growing grass fed cattle. What happens with milk production? I've had several clients who own dairy farms, and these people insist that dairy cows must be fed some grain in order to produce high quality milk. Not having any experience in this area, I have nothing to say in response.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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