With love and compassion. Anything less will fail.

Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings All,
I would like things to be as black and white as you have written. Unfortunately I see many areas that are gray. At what point in time is a childs responsible for their actions. Many laws say 18 years old. What do ou do in the case of children having children? What is your solution for victims of rape? What are your solutions for people who get Aids from tainted blood. What about children of mothers infected with Aids? I believe adults should be responsible for their actions but we traditionally apply a different set of expectations to children and victims of crime. What about the woman who become pregnant from sperm donated at a sperm back? There have been some courts that have ruled that the donor has to pay child support? Is this right? Good stewardship and responsibility are good civilized values but we live with barbarians and barbaric institutions. How do you live right and deal with the mad dogs of our world?
Just some ramblings,
Tom Irwin

From: Nancy Canning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 05:26:12 -0300
Subject: Re: Jesus was a liberal..., and look what it got him... was Re: [Biofuel]The New Blue States/Country

Good stewardship, responsibility, and justifications of why we can't be
stewards, and be responsible seem to go together. Nobody wants to be
responsible, and we hide so well behind our justifications. After all..it's
a woman's body, it's my car that needs fuel, it's my building that needs the
forest, it's my job that takes the clean air, we are all king babies, it's
me, my needs, my wants, me, me, me.

Lets take the good old drunk, who chooses to drink and ends up in a head
on collision killing. He is ultimately responsible for his actions, drunk
or sober. Just as we all are responsible for our actions. The alcoholic
wants instant gratification and finds alcohol his tool. His choice is not
one of drinking or not drinking, because that choice has been removed from
his book. He has crossed the line and once crossed, the choice is removed.
The alcoholic's choice is whether or not to stay sober.

For a man and woman to consent in having a relationship, even the quickie
instant gratification relationship. It takes two for consensual sex, the
line has been crossed. That couple has consented to give their bodies. In
that action, whether it be one for instant gratification or a lifetime of
marriage, They are responsibility of their actions. If that act, produces a
child, the consenting couple is 100% responsible to that life. Like the
alcoholic who has consented to the drink, their are consequences to their
action, and their choice has been limited because they made a decision for
consensual sex. They chose to give their bodies. If a child results from
their act; any reasoning or justification killing that life, any life, is
not their choice. That choice, like the alcoholic deciding to drink, has
been removed from the list of what we can do. Now, there is responsibility
to the life that was created. The ultimate responsibility is to life. And
Yes, they can choose to justify their need for instant gratification behind
many different doors, one of which is abortion. And then their is the
victims of a rape( I say victims, because if a child results, it too is a
victim.) But two wrongs don't ever make a right.

Instant gratification, around the world has gotten our entire community
into as my mother use to say one mell of a hess. Stewardship!! yes, we need
stewardship from teaching our children that abstinence of sex, abstinence of
any abuse of our bodies and environment is what is called for.

God has a good solution for sex, it's called abstinence and marriage.
Respect for what God has given, beginning with our bodies is the first
start. The mentality of "right to life" begins with Stewardship. We have
to instruct our children to be first stewards over their body, to honor and
respect it, and teaching them then to be stewards over their environment
will be much easier. In your own words: "Oh wait. It's human selfishness,
"superiority" and indifference to the rest of the world's creations that has
brought us to today's fossil fuel dilemma." Today's dilemma began with
generations being taught that their needs come first, I want what I want
when I want it, and it's okay to justify behavior by avoiding
responsibility, from the simple act of sex, to the worlds problems. We all
want to sit in the victim's chair and point our fingers. Well, when you
point your finger at someone or something, there are always 3 pointing back
to you.

So where do we start to clean it up? Do we begin behaving responsible
and begin teaching tools which will help the next generation? Or do we just
attach the problem with a protest for saving a snail's life, or fossil fuel
issues, to avoid the bigger picture? Nobody wants to tackle the bigger
picture, that begins at conception. It's so much easier to justify our
behavior, to pass the buck, to blame, and point fingers. For me, the choice
begins with respecting life, all life. For you see, I am no different than
the murderer sitting on death row, or the drunk choosing to stay sober.

From the choice Adam had, which he chose to point his finger and blame
Eve, to the present discussion, Let's all grow up and begin teaching
responsibility. But Baby, it don't begin when your driving a car. That is
my point.

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