Hakan Falk wrote:

>So it is legal in US to suggest that a man should be assassinated?

I expect that's covered under free speech.

I'd personally rate Robertsons comments as up there with any number of 
people who advocate the death of Bush for crimes against humanity or 
somesuch.  If Bush were assasinated would these people really be 

It's legal in the US to hold an opinion that someone should be killed.  
It's legal to express that opinion.  Bear in mind, of course, that IANAL.

It crosses the line when it becomes "inciting to violence" or something 
clearer, like paying someone to perform the murder.

>What if Chavez is murdered is murdered and CIA is behind it, will he
>not be pursued for suggesting it?
I don't believe so.  The idea that the CIA would do something because 
this nut thought it was a good idea is laughable.

Take a step back and listen to yourself.  Does anyone on this list thing 
anyone at the CIA is going to wake up and say "HEY!  Robertson thinks we 
should assasinate a foreign head of state!  Guess we'd better start 
laying plans"

C'mon, that's just silly.

>I know that it is against US law to have any agency to kill a leader of
>an other Nation. This means also that Robertson is instigating a crime,
>by suggesting it. Why is he not in jail?

He's not instigating a crime.  He's not causing a crime to be 
committed.  He's not soliciting anyone to commit the crime.  He's not 
offering money or other reward for the crime, he's not issuing a 
challenge to his followers that one of them should go kill the man.

He's expressing a moronic, immoral opinion, not calling people to 
action.  I'm not trying to support Robertson, just trying to defend free 
speech.  You see if you want to be able to speak freely you have to let 
others do so too, even if you don't like what they say.

And I'd suggest that people here think along those lines.  If expressing 
the opinion that a criminal act would  have a desirable outcome becomes 
a crime then free speech no longer exists.  IE, if someone suggests that 
the world would be a better place without Bush are you calling for a 
crime to be committed and subject to arrest?  In the US we call that 
dissent, and the government may be trying to extinguish it but they 
haven't yet succeeded.  Lets not give them any ammo in their efforts.

--- David

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