It is one or more members of the list that got a 
virus and it is going through saved email and 
send to the addresses. It is a quite normal 
behavior from a virus. It will pick both receiver 
and sender, so it is very difficult to identify 
the computer who sends it, other than with the IP 
addresses. The list it safe, but it is a reason 
for everybody to check their computers.

Personally I use Eudora, a free email client and 
also in my opinion the best, since it do not 
execute any attachments. Outlook is very 
dangerous and also have some Microsoft handles in it.

I also use Norton and do very frequent virus 
scans and it scans my mail. I never open an 
attachment, I never open anything that is not 
expected and I am not sure of the origin and that 
it is safe. Even if a friend send an unexpected 
attachment, I ask him before I open it. I have 
friends who loves to send jokes and funny 
pictures around, but I never open them, since 
this is the sure way to get surprises.


At 20:45 28/08/2005, you wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >My firewall just blocked a worm sent to me under the guise of
> ><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mailto:Keit 
> Sounds>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sounds like we´ve got ourselves
> >a nasty troll. Take care. My firewall identifies it as W32/Lovgate
> >AC worm the attachment was a message pif.
> >
> >Tom Irwin
>It's not a troll, it's just a new virus stealing people's email
>addresses from address books and emails on infected computers
>(MILLIONS of them) and using them as false sender's addresses, same
>as usual. I'm not infected, Journey to Forever isn't infected, and
>the list isn't infected either. Some people have reported receiving
>virus messages claiming to come from,
>but they're also frauds, the list cannot distribute viruses.
>Best wishes
>Keith Addison
>Journey to Forever
>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>Biofuel list owner

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