*Lunatic New Orleans mayor who blamed Bush for Katrina now says he fears
CIA to take him out...*

*Excerpts: *New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said he's feeling better about
his city, he feels confident he has gotten the attention of Gov.
Kathleen Blanco and President Bush, but he said he fears the Central
Intelligence Agency may take him out because he's been yelling at these

He didn't say it once. He said it twice.

Last night he told a reporter for the Associated Press: "If the CIA
slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know what

Today he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast he feared the
"CIA might take me out."

Nagin resorted to vulgarity and profanity yesterday in his pleas for
help. But he was actually calmer today, despite the hyperbole.

Nagin said Bush gave him a "hearty" greeting and did not seem at all
offended by Nagin's earlier outburst.

"I do think the pleas for help basically got the nation's attention, and
the nation's attention got everybody to stop and re-evaluate what was
going on, including the president. ... He basically said, 'Look, our
response was not what it should have been and we're going to fix it
right now.'"

Nagin said evacuation has been hampered by officials' difficulty
grasping where state authority ends and federal authority begins and he
said he very frankly urged Bush and Blanco to get a clear chain of
command straightened out immediately.

*Commentary: *This guy is unbelievable. He got on the tv news
yesterday and started screamed (using a barrage of four letter words
including repeated use of the "f" word) about how he had needed hundreds
of greyhound buses to evacuate the poor in New Orleans before the storm
hit, but "no one would help." Yet he never mentioned all of the city
school buses and city mass transportation vehicles he could have used,
in accord with Louisiana's official disaster plan, but failed to.

See photo below of flooded New Orleans school buses, which had been left
sitting in the city parking lot /unused/ before the hurricane hit,
because the mayor was too stupid to use them to help his own residents
evacuate the city. See also the excerpt below the photo, from the
Louisiana State Disaster Plan, authorizing cities to use local school
buses and other forms of public transportation to evacuate residents.*


*Louisiana State Disaster Plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00*

/"The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal
vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and
vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide
transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require
assistance in evacuating".../

Why were the city school buses and mass transportation buses left
sitting in empty lots before the hurricane hit, rather than being used
to evacuate the poor? The mayor has no answer. Only misdirection,
blame and finger-pointing. "It's Bush's fault!" And now abject paranoia.

If this guy is the best the residents of New Orleans can come up with in
terms of political representation, then they have only themselves to
blame for the fact that they were not evacuated. The city had the
means, and the opportunity. It just didn't have the leadership.
President Bush called for the evacuation of Louisiana two days before
the hurricane, yet the city school buses sat in the lots unused, thanks
to this mayor's inaction.

Blaming the federal and state governments is ridiculous at face value.
And now this nutcase claims the CIA is going to try to take him out for
yelling at federal and state officials. Truth be told, the voters of
New Orleans ought to hold a recall election as quickly as possible, and
get rid of this menace to society before he gets any more city residents

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