I'll call him from from a phone booth.  I wouldn't want to be wiretapped...

Kirk McLoren wrote:

> Maybe you could soothe Mayor Nagin with the news.
> ;)
> */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     I have a hard time believing this. Everyone knows the FBI would be
>     the
>     ones to do this. The CIA is for overseas hits. Duh.
>     Kirk McLoren wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > *Lunatic New Orleans mayor who blamed Bush for Katrina now says he
>     > fears
>     > CIA to take him out...*
>     > http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46134
>     >
>     > *Excerpts: *New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said he's feeling better
>     > about
>     > his city, he feels confident he has gotten the attention of Gov.
>     > Kathleen Blanco and President Bush, but he said he fears the Central
>     > Intelligence Agency may take him out because he's been yelling at
>     > these
>     > officials.
>     >
>     > He didn't say it once. He said it twice.
>     >
>     > Last night he told a reporter for the Associated Press: "If the CIA
>     > slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know
>     > what
>     > happened."
>     >
>     > Today he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast he feared the
>     > "CIA might take me out."
>     >
>     > Nagin resorted to vulgarity and profanity yesterday in his pleas for
>     > help. But he was actually calmer today, despite the hyperbole.
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