The short answer is no.  Yes is just a little longer than no.  Let me 
know if you have any other language questions.  I do have three degrees 
in English and am always glad to help.

Alan Petrillo wrote:

>Greg and April wrote:
>>The short answer is no.
>The short answer is _yes_.  Baylor University did some testing with B20 
>in their Beech King Air 90, and found that it did just fine. 
>The report was available at the website for a while, but I 
>can't find it just now.  A Google search of the site produced this:
>Purdue University also did some testing on aviation fuel, and the report 
>is available here:
>Keep in mind, turbines are, almost by definition, multifuel engines.  As 
>long as it doesn't overheat their burn units turbines don't care what 
>they're running on.  You should see the list of alternate fuels for the 
>OH-58 scout helicopters I flew in the Army! 
>>The long answer is, BioDiesel does not have to BTU's of jet fuel 
>No, it doesn't have the specific heat of jet fuel, but it's close enough 
>that it makes little difference operationally. 
>>( jet fuel
>>is a highly refined cozen to jet fuel with allot of BTU's per gal ), 
>Did you by any chance mean "kerosene"? 
>Jet-A is high grade kerosene.  Keep in mind, kerosene comes in many 
>flavors, and jet fuel is only one of them. 
>>does it have the ability to take the low temperatures that jet fuel would
>>encounter at altitude.
>This could be taken care of with a properly effective antigel agent. 
>>These things are workable, but, then you have to carry more fuel, and less
>>cargo, and heated fuel tanks and fuel lines.    This adds weight and costs
>>to every aircraft, that is unacceptable.    
>Many aircraft already have fuel heaters in their fuel lines to prevent 
>fuel icing.  The real problem is to prevent the fuel gelling in the 
>tanks.  Some heat already gets into the fuel tanks in many airliners 
>because they use the fuel tanks as a heat sink for the airconditioning 
>systems.  I think only a good antigel agent would solve this completely, 
>>Jet travel is also one of the
>>least efficient forms of transportation there is.    
>That depends on how you look at it.  If you consider it in terms of 
>passenger seat miles per gallon then it comes out around 24mpg, IIRC, 
>which beats most SUV's. 
>I did have a link to an article which went into this much more in depth, 
>but I have lost it. 
>Don't forget, in the airline industry fuel efficiency means profits. 
>>Using biodiesel would
>>only make it more inefficient.
>Maybe.  But at least it would be using less petroleum. 
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