> A new list member (hi there!) told listadmin this a
> few days ago:

>> Ethanol has been introduced in Manila just this  >>
month and I'm getting excited about it. The rising >>
costs of fuel is really a burden here and through >>
this list,  I hope I would be able to gain lots of >>
knowledge about Ethanol. Our government is       >>
encouraging us to use this fuel, they're telling >> us
that we don't have to convert our engines in  >> order
for us to use Ethanol. I'm a little bit >> >> hesitant
but I guess they're right coz I've been >> reading
various sites from the web and they all   >> said that
there's no for us to have our existing >> engines
converted nor there are any bad effects in >> using

> Any comments?

> Best wishes

> Keith

Hi Keith,

Cocodiesel, yes. But I haven't seen ethanol outside of
the media yet. There are still a few problems to be
worked out - growing sorghum or sugarcane, where is it
going to be grown and who is going to grow it, setting
up the plants to process it, and getting it into the
tanks of our vehicles.

If they're going to use sugarcane, what happens to our
sugar supply?

The oil companies here have big bucks invested in
their facilities and it might not be in their best
interests to have ethanol easily available unless
there's money to be made for them.


"Gas firms doubt ethanol can be used as alternative
fuel right away"

There's also the problem of monoculture and growing
the crop sustainably. Mrs. Arroyo is in a bind here
with the questions raised about the credibility of her
election, Peak Oil, and Climate Change so I'd think
she'd like to give our people a few straws to clutch.


"Philippines Close to National Ethanol Program"


"Ethanol plant to benefit Davao, Bukidnon: Zubiri"

These say we should have a 25% blend of ethanol by
2010, *if* our Congress passes the Energy Bill.

However, if this can be done on a village level, there
might be something in it. But it would still take a
while to set it up. I wouldn't hold my breath just
now. :-)

In the meantime, I'll start homebrewing BD in January.
And I don't have to wait for our government or anyone
else to do it for me. :-)


Vin Lava
Manila, Philippines

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