Dear Pannir, Manick

Dear Manick


Manick , surely India and can make possible the home made decentralised bio ethanol that thus make using pot , to put in their small motorised bicycle , thus making them independent to get away the poverty and all corrupted petroleum business , which is the root cause of the poverty, making people dependence on imported fuel that they can not pay.

I wish to request Keith to publish via our list members from India about the low cost pot distillation, as this so simple and low cost ,any one can made fuel in their home based on this pot made tradicional alcohol which had made and making making story of so many tragedy and death of alcohol addiction .But this bad story can be made to be real a solution for the energy crysis

It's one reason I first thought, years ago, that ethanol might be a better energy choice in 3rd World rural communities than biodiesel/SVO. The distilling technology is found just about everywhere, even if people won't admit it. Maybe it can also be improved and made safer - tragedies are common all over the world with sometimes scores of people being killed by badly made local liquor.

I'd be happy to upload plans for a simple pot still anyone anywhere can make, if someone can provide the plans, and instructions for building and use, including fermenting, for common sugar and starch crops.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan


On 9/10/05, Manick Harris <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tq Chris,
My reason for posting is to stimulate interest to convince other group members to undertake ethanol and power generation projects.I am not in a position to do them here in Malaysia or India, countries full of skull-duggering and danger of losing all the investment due to fraudulent practices by the unscrupulous, without recourse to justice. I could give pages and pages of bad business ethics. It is very bad here which is the main reason this country is in languishing the doldrums. The best I can do is to convince members that these concepts are viable and that there is great need to now to find alternatives to petroleum fuels. Cheers

Chris lloyd <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> hey! i just remembered, homebrew champagne makers are cautioned to make
> sure
that all yeast has been killed before finla bottling, lest continued
fermentation generate so much pressure that it pops the cork. <

That cannot be right as to do so would leave you with flat champagne, you
need the secondary fermentation to make any wine/beer fizzy. Champagne
bottles have their corks wired on anyway. Chris.

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Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Química - DEQ
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