Keith Addison wrote:
By the way, whatever happened to all those folks who were 
arrested for the anthrax attacks in 2001?

Exerpts below from two articles in 2002 shed some light on his 

1) Thinking the Unthinkable...Was the Anthrax an Inside Job?

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen details mounting 
evidence that the source of the anthrax was a top secret U.S. 
Army laboratory in Maryland, and that the perpetrators involve 
high-level officials in the U.S. military and intelligence 
infrastructure. On March 23, the FBI officially announced that 
"exhaustive testing did not support that anthrax was present 
anywhere the hijackers had been." If not the hijackers, who 
would have the capability to produce and disseminate the high 
grade anthrax? Is it mere coincidence that the new Director of the 
National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved the questionable 
use of anthrax vaccine on military personnel? Or that Harvard 
biophysics scientist and anthrax expert Dr. Don C. Wiley met with 
a very suspicious demise just a month after the attacks first 
began? Those questions only scratch the surface!  When will the 
Bush Administration's investigations start producing 
long-overdue results??

Full article at:

2) FBI ‘guilty of cover-up’ over anthrax suspect 

At a time when the Bush administration is beefing up America’s 
Homeland Security defences any indication of progress by the 
FBI should be good news, but one prominent and 
well-respected biowarfare expert believes the FBI has not only 
known the identity of the terrorist for months but has conspired 
with other branches of the US government to keep it secret. 

Dr Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the biological warfare 
division at the Federation of American Scientists, first accused 
the FBI of foot-dragging in February with a scathing investigation 
that included a portrait of the possible perpetrator so detailed 
that it could only match one person. 

Rosenberg said she knows who that person is and so do a 
top-level clique of US government scientists, the CIA, the FBI and 
the White House. 

"Early in the investigation," Rosenberg told Scotland on Sunday, 
"a number of inside experts, at least five that I know about, gave 
the FBI the name of one specific person as the most likely 
suspect. That person fits the FBI profile in most respects. He 
has the right skills, experience with anthrax, up-to-date anthrax 
vaccination, forensic training, and access to the US Army Medical 
Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (AMRIID) and its 
biological agents through 2001." 

Rosenberg’s profile suggests that the suspect is a middle-aged 
scientist with a doctoral degree who works for a CIA contractor in 
Washington DC. She adds he has to know or have worked 
closely with Bill Patrick, the weapons researcher who holds five 
secret patents on how to produce weapons-grade anthrax, that 
he suffered a career setback last summer that embittered him 
and precipitated his campaign and that he has already been 
investigated by the FBI. 

Most crucially, she believes the suspect has in the past actually 
conducted experiments for the government to test the response 
of the police and civil agencies to a bioterror attack. 

"It has been part of the suspect’s job to devise bioterror 
scenarios," Rosenberg said. "Some of these are on record. He 
is known to have acted out at least one of them, in hoax form, 
perhaps as part of an assignment to test responses. Some hoax 
events that have never been solved, including several 
hoax-anthrax events, also correspond to his scenarios and are 
consistent with his whereabouts." 

The question she wants the FBI and the Bush administration to 
answer is, why it has taken so long to arrest this man? In the 
unlikely event that the government divulges all it knows about 
what she now believes to be a full blown cover-up, Rosenberg 
said responsibility can be expected to fall on a number of 
government agencies, all with a vested interest in shielding the 

"Either the FBI is under pressure from the Pentagon or CIA not to 
proceed because the suspect knows too much and must be 
controlled forever from the moment of arrest," she said, "or the 
FBI is sympathetic to the views of the biodefence clique or the 
FBI really is as incompetent as it seems." 

Rosenberg’s analysis suggests a combination of all three. The 
American defence establishment guards its secrets well and 
given the suspect’s covert work on their behalf their reluctance to 
see him publicly exposed appears natural. 

Equally there is evidence that some of the suspect’s colleagues 
are not unhappy with the fallout from his terror attacks. 
Rosenberg cites David Franz, a former commander of USAMRIID 
who earlier this year said of the anthrax campaign: "I think a lot of 
good has come from it. From a biological or a medical 
standpoint, we’ve now five people who have died, but we’ve put 
about $6bn in our budget into defending against bioterrorism." 

Full article at:

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