Hi Keith;

If you thought that was a film worth seeing you should also check out 
the film Darwin's Nightmare which documents the story of the 
introduction of the Nile Perch to Lake Victoria and how remote slavery 
works for europeans while they enjoy cheap fish and try not to know 
about how weapons trickle in to Africa in the bargain. In a parallel 
thread the human flesh trade is exposed and how the catholic church 
turns a blind eye and encourages the spread of HIV.  A hard film to 
watch but again one everyone should see.


Keith Addison wrote:

>>My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
>>recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
>>Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
>>the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
>>experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
>>side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
>>The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
>>murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
>>investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
>>highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
>>in the cover up.

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