Brian Rodgers wrote:

>Ok thanks
>I realise that the compression should be comparatively similar between
>cylinders, any ideas on what basic (ball park) compression should be
>on a diesel engine?  Antone know of a trick to seal the coolant system
>for a minor leak coming from head gasket?  Wishful thinking?
>>From the looks of the coolant I flushed out someone already tried the
>bronse flake sealant.
>Brian Rodgers
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Yup, wishful. the reality is that if the head gasket is blown, or the 
head has enough of a hole on the exhaust side ( a crack between intake 
and exhaust valves is a spot to look) then the compression is going to 
be slightly different now, and very different later.
Given evidence of a "fix in a can' effort already, and expanding 
hoses.... go for a sincere diagnosis. To continue running it, however 
delightful will lead to disaster.   I'm not sure you couldnt swap in a 
newer xd3te motor or even older (ack). If the rest of the thing, 
trans,electrical,suspension is in good shape.  If this is an xd2s,  I 
would rebuild it, maybe 1200 for the parts and machine work (only 
guessing).How many miles on it??  From what I can gather the turbo 
peugeot motor is far more efficient than MB, if a bit less robust.
If you want I'd trade you the 220d thats in the rover..... nahh you're 
better off fixing the peugeot.

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