Hello  Mr. Burgos,
Animal fat was a natural first choice as we produce a fair amount of beef here in Uruguay. From my reading on the JTF site, I found that it was a viable candidate and there are several papers available there for using it. It made sense from a chemical standpoint as fat is essentially all saturated hydrocarbon. With only single bonded carbons I knew that polymerization at temperature is not likely. I tried about 10 or 15 small batches and never had a single bad batch with methoxide as a cataylst. Then I shifted to ethoxide and had a few successes and many failures. I shifted back to methoxide to check if my technique had gone bad. It hadn't. I still got very good separation of glycerine and all washed batches passed density, wash, chemical, and motor testing. I'm currently working on waste vegetable oil which is extraordinarily variable here. Titration testing is a must do task with each new supplier and sometimes with each batch from each supplier but I get the material for free. For me this is methoxide only territory but I'm still very curious as to why I had mostly failure but some success with ethoxide. I probably go back to it once I'm producing enough for my home and farm needs.
Tom Irwin

From: francisco j burgos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 19:14:40 -0300
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] best oil to make BD

Dear Mr. Tom Irwin:
Did you find by your own experience that tallow is a good raw material for producing biodiesel? or there is any bibliography that you can indicate me on the subject?.
Your help will be the most appreciated, thanks in advance.
Cordially, Mr. F.J. Burgos
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Irwin
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] best oil to make BD

Hello Juan,
I have found animal fat converts really easy to biodiesel. The main obstacle is that it is primarily a summer only fuel as it solidifies at about 10-14 C. A lot depends on what resources you have and your local climate. If you have a farm with animals that need feed, perhaps canola (non-GM variety) is a good candidate. It has a good oil yield per hectare and a reasonably low iodine value. You can feed the crushed seedcake to your livestock. If you are in a good sized town or city, waste vegetable oil is usually available from restaurants. It's quite variable and more difficult to convert than unused oil but you can usually get it for just your transport costs. If you live in a poorer area then look for wild castor beans. They're have large yields and are generally free for the picking but you can't use the seedcake for animal feed. It composts rather well for a garden or farm soil amendment.  It takes a stronger stomach than mine to deal with the aroma. Castor oil was once used an an emetic to cause vomiting. Other I'm sure have their favorites.
Tom Irwin

From: Mike Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 21:28:27 -0300
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] best oil to make BD

Free is the best oil to use ;-)

Juan B wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I Would like to know what is the best vegetable oil that can be use to get the most biodiesel ? or it would be better to get animal fat?

I looked at the tables in the website but I did not completely understand .
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