>Is there any way to later extract the NaCl from the glycerine, so 
>that you can use the glycerine for other... shall we say nefarious 
>purposes? (Such as powering a turbine generator, or similiar 
>combustive measures to reuse your "waste" to feed the process... No 
>I'm not stupid enough to try and go the nitroglycerin route, though 
>I fear for a coworker of mine who has taken an interest in the 
>If you can do this, and Mr. Sharp's question about brine washing 
>comes up positive, you could use the salt from this process to make 
>your brine for washing... and then finally waste it through sewage 
>or whatnot when it's finally been ultimately exhausted, instead of 
>getting rid of potentially valuable products and also having to 
>purchase salt for your brine.
>Just a thought.

You can use brine to break an emulsion, but it's better not to have 
emulsions in the first place.

"Caveman Chemistry" previously had a nice description and slide show 
of producing Chlorine, Hydrogen, and Lye from table salt, using PET 
bottles, flashlight batteries, glue and stuff. It's not there anymore 
but I posted the full method previously, here:
Re: [biofuel] Re: Hydrogen Economy

Best wishes


>On Oct 30, 2005, at 2:19 PM, Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>I'm having difficulty getting Phosphoric Acid. Can I use Hydrochloric Acid
>>to separate the Glycerine/FFA ? It will produce Sodium Chloride rather than
>>Sodium Phosphate (I use lye), but other than that, any objections?
>HCl works fine -- the FFA will gradually rise to the top as an odd-smelling
>reddish oily liquid, and the glycerine will be left in an aqueous solution at
>pH 3 or so (you have to overshoot the acid quite a lot to get separation of
>FFA, due to the buffering effect of the soap/FFA system). When using
>H3PO4, I bring it back to pH 7 with ammonia, to give a fairly benign
>fertilizer solution for the compost or garden. Obviously, with HCl and lye,
>the NaCl will be fairly destructive, so the glycerine will need to be sewered
>or otherwise wasted.

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