Joe Street wrote:

> Well there may be something to this.  It may not be the main source of 
> greenhouse gas but IIRC methane is 6 times more potent as a greenhouse 
> gas than CO2 and there are a lot of cows being grown to serve the 
> north american obsession with beef. And they do fart a hell of a lot!  
> Consider also that the lion's share of oxygen comes not from trees as 
> many a tree hugger has suggested but from algae in the sea. Tiny 
> bubbles..... Well I have heard that more methane is released by 
> termites than any other single source.  Is this information 
> debunkable?  I'd like to know.
> Joe

According to this page:
termites are responsible for 20 to 40% of atmospheric methane.


Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.

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