Easy big fella.  You may be in violation of the patriot act with that admission!
What are your coordinates.....


Michael Redler wrote:
Good point Chandan.
I guess I'm a hacker too.

Chandan Haldar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's the 'Hacker' entry in Eric Raymond's The Hackers Dictionary (aka the jargon file):


Having been deep in that world for a while now, I see today's hacker community as a highly heterogeneous community with a variety of views revolving around knowledge, creativity, freedom, and individual rights (primarily as these relate to software and systems, but hey, "freedom" frequently looks similar in different contexts, and "bio-diesel hacker" should be a very honorable description for someone making bio-diesel and thus defending one's freedom to not use fossil fuel).

Notice that the sense of "malicious meddler" for "hacker" has been deprecated (obsolete) and demoted to 8th place in the THD entry for hacker (but retained for historical reasons).  So the rogue elements are not really part of the hacker community.  THD is maintained by "hackers", so this can be considered a self-fulfilling assessment.  Our definition of the hacker community can be as loose as we want, but as long as the basic elements of knowledge, creativity, freedom, and individual rights are included in it, it should be very hard to find similarities between the post-modern hacker community with a beast like the CIA.  If anyone tries to throttle the internet to death, the hacker community will create workarounds quickly and without fail (an instance of the second superpower defending itself against unprovoked aggression).  Hakuna matata.


Michael Redler wrote:
"Would you include the hacker community in the Second Superpower? (Or do they all work for the CIA these days?)"

I find it extremely interesting how a society which is developing on an entirely different plane (and without any political hierarchy) can so closely resemble one which we are so accustomed to in the physical world.
The hacker community has taken on behaviors which also resemble those of the CIA (for example). Both act on a certain ideology, are motivated largely by a resistance to be controlled (i.e. "sticking it to the 'man'"), feel a sense of community and pride. Last but not least, the intelligence community of every superpower is somewhat troubled by various rogue elements. I don't want to portray hackers as people I admire - only as people who show familiar patterns of behavior when looked at in groups.
One of my favorite examples is how they collectively express their position on Microsoft and during the earlier days of the Internet, how so many government and large corporations were the main targets.

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