Whoa Chandan!
That looked like legitimate spy talk (like I know what I'm talking about).
...you still there? If you are, smile for the itty bitty camera.

Chandan Haldar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
GNU Emacs has this nice little diversion in its mail handling facility:


Some samples of what it can automatically add to the end of a mail is at
the end of this mail. Joe, sorry to disappoint uncle S, but I didn't
write that and I don't live in patriot act territory either.

The bottomline is as Keith has summarized nicely already. A good way of
looking at the post-modern hacker community is as the IT dept of the
second superpower. May the force be with them. :-)



unclassified Roswell Indigo FSF kilo class bce Comirex Steve Case SWAT
clones ANDVT explosion Aldergrove S Key S Box

JFK BATF passwd MD5 Crypto AG Jiang Zemin ANDVT Craig Livingstone
Juiliett Class Submarine JPL Chobetsu CIDA Ortega explosion high

AGT. AMME industrial intelligence UOP jihad broadside COSCO Comirex
sniper ISEC militia offensive information warfare Ceridian bootleg
JSOFC3IP government

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