Does anyone have any good advice for Elad Orian? Respond direct or 
(better) discuss onlist - I gave him the list archives link so he can 
follow any onlist discussions (or join). I think there are many 
projects similar to what he envisages, and it would be good to hear 
about them.



>Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:37:11 +0200
>From: Elad Orian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Bio-Diesel in Palestine
>Dear Journey to Forever,
>my name is Elad Orian and I am an Israeli peace activist. Together 
>with a Palestinian partner from the west bank we have envisioned the 
>construction of a medium sized Bio-Diesel production plant (starting 
>from around 1000 liters a day) at the Palestinian village of Bil'in. 
>The village has been the center and the symbol of the joint 
>Palestinian-Israeli struggle against the construction of the 
>separation barrier that Israel is building and land confiscation and 
>we felt that in order to take the cooperation to the next level we 
>need to start positive constructive work.
>The Bio-Diesel option came naturally as an environmentally friendly, 
>community supporting and economically sustainable enterprise. We 
>wish to build a production system with the following characteristics:
> 1. environmentali sound
> 2. locally built
> 3. long lasting
> 4. growing capacity
> 5. efficient
>Your site is the most comprehensive and accesible information source 
>on the web and I was hoping to hear from you whether you know of any 
>other initiatives with similar characteristics (i.e. in between 
>backyard producers and full scale corporate factories) I could 
>contact to learn from and maybe even visit.
>many thanks indeed,
>elad orian

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