Hello Mike

Good on you!

>I was at a meeting on Wednesday to organize against global racism 
>(Re: Danish cartoon/"Can't they take a joke", ethnic slums in 
>France, etc.).

I've been wanting to post something about the cartoons. Is the role 
of Daniel Pipes in all this being acknowledged? The whole thing was a 



>There were people representing chapters of the Campus Antiwar 
>Network and the ISO. At the end of the meeting the discussion 
>shifted to March 18th. There will be a very large mobilization in 
>Connecticut. In the past, United for Peace and Justice has had huge 
>mobilizations with 80,000+ people attending in New York City and 
>entire commuter trains set aside for the ride into the city 
>(popularly known as the "peace train").
>Re-inventing the wheel is an appropriate description Keith.
>If you want a strong, grass-roots movement to end the 
>war/occupation/Bush regime, activists have already been at it for a 
>long time. All you need to do is JOIN THEM.
>If you don't like the direction of the movement, start at the bottom 
>and gather consensus. In order to do that, you need to JOIN THEM.
>Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Come on, Nigel, it IS a joke. The guy hasn't got a clue, it's got no
>direction, no substance, no plan, he hasn't thought anything out, he
>doesn't know what's going on around him and he doesn't seem to want
>to. There are already many strong and well-established movements
>doing all that and very much more, and they didn't just dream it all
>up yesterday morning. Doug's just trying to reinvent the wheel, and
>getting it all wrong - no hub, no spokes. Maybe he's just after his
>15 minutes. There's no need to "help start conversations", they
>exist, they don't need starting, they need joining and support.
>Below are some hubs and spokes of real wheels, and real events
>happening near you soon.
>March 18 is an international day of action against the Iraq
>occupation. Protests are already planned across the world, including
>one in Iraq.
>WSF Assembly calls for global action
>Section on war of the statement of the Assembly of the Social
>Movements, World Social Forum, Venezuala, January 29th
>March 18th: International day of mobilisation against the occupation of Iraq
>Against the war and occupations. No more wars. Peace is the only solution.
>We demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign
>troops from Iraq and an end to the privatisation of energy resources.
>We oppose all occupations by foreign troops and demand an end to the
>Israeli occupation of Palestine. We call for the creation of an
>independant Palestinian state.
>We oppose intervention in Syria, Iran and Latin American countries,
>for example Plan Colombia and the presence of foreign military bases.
>We also oppose the use of economic blockades as a weapon of war, as
>used for example against Cuba.
>We call for the the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of
>mass destruction.
>We demand respect for human rights, civil liberties and an end to
>torture, kidnappings and illegal detentions including secret prisons.
>We call for participation in the Cairo Conference in Egypt on the 23
>to the 26th March against US hegemony and the occupation of Iraq.
>We call to everyone to mobilise on March 18th 2006 for a day of
>global protest against the occupation of Iraq as part of the campaign
>to get the troops out.
>Fórum Social Mundial
>World Social Forum Official homepage
>Stop the War Coalition
>Demonstrate on Saturday 18 March
>Troops Home from Iraq
>Don't Attack Iran
>Saturday 18th March 2006
>Assemble 12 noon Parliament Square
>Reasons to demonstrate...
>Download leaflet (pdf 42 KB)
>or call 020 7278 6694 to order
>Leaflet templates for local groups
>International Anti-War Mobilisation: Events
>North America - 103 events scheduled for March 18
>International Anti-War Mobilisation, March 2006
>WWW links to worldwide demonstrations:
>Aalborg, Aarhus, Adana, Adelaide (20/3), Albuquerque, Alicante,
>Amsterdam, Ankara, Ann Arbor (19/3), Armidale, Athens, Atlanta,
>Baghdad, Bangkok, Bangor, ME, Barcelona, Basra, Battle Creek (19/3),
>Bemidji, Berkley (20/3), Berlin, Boise (19/3), Bonn, Boston, Bremen,
>Brookline (17/3), Bruxelles (19/3), Budapest, Buffalo, Burlington,
>Calgary, Camden, ME (19/3), Caracas, Carbondale (19/3), Chattanooga,
>Chicago, [2], Chico, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Comox, Copenhagen,
>Covington, Dallas (19/3), Davenport, Denver (19/3), Detroit, Dublin,
>Duisburg, Eau Claire, Edmonton, El Centro, Evergreen, Fayetteville,
>Fort Collins, Frederick (15/3), Fresno, Gainesville (19/3),
>Galveston, Genève, Gijón, Grand Rapids, Göteborg, Halifax,
>Hartford (19/3), Helsinki, Highland Park, Houston, Indianapolis,
>Irvine (19/3), Istanbul, Jakarta, Janesville, Kalamazoo, Kansas
>City (19/3), Karachi, Kent, Ohio (19/3), Kuala Lumpur (19/3), Lake
>Helen (19/3), Lansing (19/3), Las Vegas, Lisboa, Little Rock,
>Ljubljana, London, Long Island, Los Angeles, [2] (20/3), Louisville,
>Madison, Madrid, [2] (19/3), Malmö, Managua, [2], Manila,
>Melbourne (17/3), Melbourne, Florida, Memphis, Midland, Milwaukee,
>Minneapolis, Mobile, Mobile - New Orleans (14/3), Mocksville,
>Montreal, Mountain View (19/3), Naples (19/3), New Bedford, New
>Haven, New York, Northville, [2], Odense, Oklahoma, Omdurman, Orange,
>Ossining, Ottawa, Palo Alto, Pittsburgh, Quebec City, Redding,
>Reykjavik, Riverside (17/3), Roma, Roxbury, Salisbury, MD (19/3),
>Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Juan, San Sebastián-Donostia, Santa
>Barbara (16/3), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santiago de Chile (17/3), São
>Paulo, Sarasota, Seattle, Seoul (19/3), South Portland (19/3),
>Southold (19/3), Stevens Point, Stockholm, Sydney,
>Tallahassee (19/3), Tarragona, Tijuana - San Francisco (12/3), Tokyo,
>Toronto, Trabzon, Tucson, Vancouver, Victoria, Walnut Creek,
>Warsaw (19/3), Washington DC, Wellington, West Bend, Wien (Vienna),
>Wilmington. All demos on 18/3/2006
>CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
>Eliminate nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
>National Demonstration:
>Troops Home from Iraq, Don't Attack Iran
>Saturday 18 March 2006: Assemble 12 noon at Parliament Square. Rally
>in Trafalgar Square. Organised by CND, Stop the War Coalition and the
>Muslim Association of Britain. Volunteers needed urgently: please
>call Ben at CND National Office on 0207 700 2393.
>Click here for 'Iran: Consequences of a War', a new report by the
>Oxford Research Group. http://www.cnduk.org/IranPR.pdf
>Troops Home from Iraq, Don't Attack Iran
>Just picture groups of women around the world rallying against the
>war at US embassies and other symbolic places-all on the same day! It
>would be hard for US leaders to ignore. It would be hard for the
>media to ignore. And it would fire us up as women to know that our
>actions were being replicated by our sisters all over the globe. So
>what are we waiting for? Let's make March 8, International Women's
>Day, a time for flexing our collective muscle as women. Let's revive
>the dream of the women who came before us and carved out March 8 as a
>day for us to be a visible, vocal and vibrant force for peace and
>justice! (Click here for history of March 8.) Add your event, or view
>global March 8th actions & events on our online calendar! Click here
>for details.
>Women's Call for Peace: An Urgent Appeal
>United for Peace
>3rd Anniversary of Iraq War
>A Call for a Week of Local Action: March 15-22, 2006
>United for Peace and Justice joins our partners in the global antiwar
>movement in calling for a massive outpouring of opposition to the war
>in Iraq. We are urging opponents of the war to organize a wide array
>of events in their hometowns for the entire week surrounding this
>Find a 3rd Anniversary event in your area: To see the full list of
>more than 230 3rd Anniversary events, please click here.
>United for Peace : Events
>More ways to take action and get involved:
>United for Peace
>Major Mobilization Set for April 29
>End the war in Iraq
>Bring all our troops home now!
>Read More »
>Veterans Gulf March : Index
>Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans
>Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families
>for Peace, at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130,
>will conduct a march between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from
>March 14-19, 2006 -- the third anniversary of the invasion and
>occupation of Iraq.
>ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach:
>Let's Make It a Million!
>661301 : the number of people who have already votedin the referendum
>to Impeach Bush!(figure updated daily)
>The Case Against Bush:
>Articles of Impeachment
>The legal basis for impeachment
>Notes for the Consideration of Impeachment
>Six Background Notes
>(cc) The Committee to Help Unsell the War
>:: Contact Officials. Go »
>:: Rally. Find »
>:: Poster & Sticker. Grab »
>:: Find Allies. Join »
>:: Rejuvenate. Look »
>Everyone Counts
>Mass letter writing campaign against war.
>On this page:
>leading sites to visit
>web-based petitions
>news, articles and resources for letter-writing content
>core sites for this campaign
>don't get angry, get active
>satire and humour
>list of links
>press and media email addresses
>social alternatives
>StopWarOnIran.org -- Stop the War on Iran Before it Starts!
>Sign petition
>Tell a friend
>View statement
>View signers
>Join eList
>Please join the online campaign to STOP THE WAR ON IRAN BEFORE IT STARTS!
>Send emails to President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of
>State Rice, U.N. Secretary-General Annan, Congressional leaders and
>the media demanding NO WAR ON IRAN!

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