The hybrid could power the house. We could live very differently. And while the hybrid is powering the house if more is needed than is reasonable from the batteries heat is available as well. In fact it would make sense to leave the garage fully charged and have generated where the heat could be used.

"Thompson, Mark L. (PNB R&D)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't how anyone can justify a Hybrid over a diesel.

The financial numbers just don't work.

My VW TDI gets (243K mile so far)
45 mpg @ City Driving
55 mpg @ 60 mph
50 mpg @ 75 mph

My cost is (City) $2.60/45 = 5.8 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
My cost is (Freeway) $2.60/55 = 4.7 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Average 5.25 cents a mile (50/50 driving)

My neighbors Prius gets
55 mpg @ City Driving
51 mpg @ 60 mph

Cost is (City) $2.35/60 = 3.9 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Cost is (Freeway) $2.35/51 = 4.6 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Average 4.25 cents a mile (50/50 driving)
Plus Battery Deprecation
8 year/100k miles/$7000
$7000/100K = 7 cents/mile

Total = 4.25 + 7.00 = 11.25 Cents/Miles

Converted to French fuel prices and Taxes:
Diesel = 1.036 euro/Liter
Petro(95) = 1.209 euro/Liter

Converted (1.19E/usd and 3.79 lt/gal)
Diesel = 1.036 * 1.19 * 3.79 = $4.67/gal
Petro = 1.209 * 1.19 * 3.79 = $5.45/gal

My VW TDI gets (243K mile so far)
45 mpg @ City Driving
55 mpg @ 60 mph
50 mpg @ 75 mph

My cost is (City) $4.67/45 = 10.4 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
My cost is (Freeway) $4.67/55 = 8.5 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Average 9.45 cents a mile (50/50 driving)

My neighbors Prius gets
55 mpg @ City Driving
51 mpg @ 60 mph

Cost is (City) $5.45/60 = 9.0 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Cost is (Freeway) $5.45/51 = 10.7 cents a mile (not including
normal maintenance)
Average 9.85 cents a mile (50/50 driving)
Plus Battery Deprecation
8 year/100k miles/$7000/19%vat = $8330
$8330/100K = 8.3 cents/mile

Total = 9.85 + 8.30 = 18.15 Cents/Miles

In the US and Europe a diesel is about 1/2 the operating cost of a

Another thing to consider is maintenance/repair and life expectancy.
My last VW diesel Died a honable death at 476,000 miles.
My current one is at 243,000 miles and still running strong.
My guess is if you can get 200K-250K out of a hybrid gas engine you are
doing good.

Also working on diesel is relatively straight forward. Will have to say
VW has coupled the computer to the engine quite tightly. It make for
interesting trouble shooting when things are not working perfectly.


Andrew Netherton wrote:

>I'll bet that research would show a mighty quick return on investment
>if they had done the study based on European fuel costs, and not our
>cheaper-than-bottled-water fuel here in North America.
>Andrew Netherton

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