Human activity is a part of the whole picture and it is ridiculous and academic to have a discussion otherwise.  Further to the discussion of atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, ice crystal, and greenhouse gasses there is also the effect seldom mentioned of other aerosols.  Sulfuric acid for example has a significant negaitive feedback effect.  Sulfuric acid droplets never completely evaporate but shrink and grow depending on conditions but they are highly reflective. It is ironic that the disaster of Sept. 11 afforded scientists an otherwise impossible opportunity to observe the effect of having no aircraft flying in the upper atmosphere and what they found was that there was a marked increase in radiation influx during that time.  It is also ironic that this information means that the sulphur content in petroleum jet fuel is having a counter effect on global warming and I'm surprised the petro industry isn't all over that one but I guess it still is not politically correct to be contributing to acid rain even if you are combatting global warming LOL.  I guess if we ever get all the planes and cars burning low sulphur fuels we might have a little more evidence of global warming in our faces eh? 


"God is a little too fond of a joke"  -- Aristotle

bob allen wrote:
I'm quite unimpressed with the article.  To claim that the observed elevation in temperatures is not 
due to the burgeoning concentrations of radiatively forcing gases in the atmosphere begs the 
question of why.  We know that gases such as CO2 and methane absorb strongly in the infrared.  Heat 
absorbed on the surface of the planet is radiated in the infrared, so CO2, methane, et. al. should 
trap the heat. So why is this phenomenon not observed? Is our understanding of simple physical 
principles that bad.

The article also badly represents the impact of water vapor in the atmosphere with respect to global 
warming.  Simply stated, water vapor is a dependent variable. That is, the hotter the atmosphere, 
the higher water vapor concentration in the atmosphere.  It produces a strong positive feedback that 
is accounted for in most if not all the gcm's (global climate models).

So how I'm not surprised that a country holding something like the second largest reserves of oil 
and gas on the planet might be proffering a alternative to the well accepted correlation between 
greenhouse gas emissions and the  "theory of global warming".

I will file this one under my rug.

Randall wrote:
Very interesting article!   It does help to remember that nature operates on 
a scale MUCH larger than mere human activity.

Time will tell if this theory is given the same testing as other theories 
have been given, or if it is just brushed under the rug.

Charlotte, NC


<< Heisenberg may have slept here >>

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my 
xe."  --Abraham Lincoln


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "BIO" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:09 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Greenhouse theory - smashed by biggest stone

 Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone

 A new theory to explain global warming was revealed at a meeting at
 the University of Leicester (UK) and is being considered for
 publication in the journal "Science First Hand". The controversial
 theory has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels and atmospheric
 carbon dioxide levels.

I found this interesting based on the credibility of the source.
Controversial, it should be published to stand the scrutiny test given
by the entire scientific world.


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