On 14 Apr 2006, at 11:05, Appal Energy wrote:

>> Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what
>> he wanted or you would have violence on your hands.
> Violence at who's initiation?
> Something about having a foot in the middle of your back just doesn't
> cotton too well towards the idea of "peace."

Exactly.  I'm saying he didn't lead a band of trained peace  
protesters, there were those but not all.  The majority were regular  
folk, of whatever race, that were pissed that things were the way  
they were and if they didn't see things progressing they were prone  
to display their displeasure.  When I read about MLK, I also read  
about "unrest".

>> That's why he had to be killed.
> Excuse me? Advocating equality is justification for murder?
> Let me guess..., I misunderstand what you wrote.
> Todd Swearingen

Maybe.  He was a proponent for change, for equality.  In the great  
scheme of U.S. empire building that comes contrary to profit.  I'm  
saying the same people that had Kennedy killed had MLK killed.   
Justified?  I never said that.  I didn't say he should die.  I said  
that the powers that be were not about to leave him alive.


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