What is there to jump on here?  I personally only take anti-biotics when it 
is life and death, but then I am allergic to most of them so it is a toss 
up which is going to kill me.  A fever of 105, I would have dumped her in 
an ice bath and called an ambulance.  Drugs do have their place, and yes, I 
too hope she would give them to her child rather than see the child 
permanently damaged.
Bright Blessings,

At 08:20 AM 4/16/2006, you wrote:

>Naturally, there's a little shudder here.  What are grandparents for, but to
>shudder?  I'm referring to my daughter who went down to 90 pounds on the raw
>food diet, and nearly died of pneumonia because she refused to take an
>anti-biotic.  That was an interesting week, changing her sheets four times a
>day as she sweat into them, her fever going to 105, holding her fiery hand
>and offering sips of water all night.  She would have held out, I think.
>She told me later that she finally agreed to go to hospital because she
>could see she was pushing me past MY limits of physical strength.  Will she
>give her baby an antibiotic when it could save her life?  Hope so.
>I guess Kim Travis will jump on me for that one.  That thread has already
>had it's day, maybe.
>Cheers, Jesse

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