Wow, what can I say! I think there may be a few that think your idea of the 
world is simplistic. I know that I am one that does not agree with our 
(Australian) government being involved in the Iraq war.
 I am also of the opinion that if there was reasonable equity in the world, 
there would be less fights based on 'we want what you have'. Unfortunately, 
the US uses an inequitable amount of the world's resources, and it is not 
sustainable. The hate of US citizenry (and other rich Westerners) comes as a 
result of this inequitable sharing of resources.
 I remember when I was a tourist in China in the mid 1970's. I was by no means 
affluent, but I felt like a prince riding in coaches with curtains, & air 
conditioning, compared to the peasantry walking, or riding on a stacked 
trailer pulled by a Rotary hoe type tractor. I think this was the first time 
I realised how affluent the west was compared to the poorer countries. China 
has now changed, but I imagine the average person is not much more affluent 
now than 30 years ago.
 I feel the average Muslim person has no more hate for me than the other poor 
races. As westerners I think we need to realise that there needs to be 
assistance to help the poor societies to gain some independence, so famine 
does not cause starvation, but also so there is not the transfer of poor 
country assets to the rich countries, as happens now.
 This transfer of assets can be anything from the theft of oil, the stealing 
of intellectual property, the theft of labour by underpaying for services, or 
the artificial generation of debt to the world financiers by supplying money 
to countries to finance projects that are not sustainable.

 I also feel that only the US sees 9/11 as a watershed. (this is not to demean 
the terrible event, but to rationalise that other events have occurred 
elsewhere that have similar devastating effects on the citizenry.) Terrorism 
has been a part of world politics for a considerable time. There is possibly 
less terrorism now than 20 years ago. However the fear of terrorism is now 
high. You need to read books like '1984' to see how these issues are related: 
the fear of an unknown enemy makes a populace that is easy to control, 
because fear lets Politicians introduce Draconian laws. We are suffering loss 
of Personal freedom now due to this fear of terrorism.
 regards Doug 

On Thursday 20 April 2006 4:03, Bobby Clark wrote:
> The Bush Administration is not trying to kill you. Sounds like a little
> paranoia.
> First of all, I don't think all of the decisions coming out of this
> administration are wrong; although the media would certainly have you
> believe so. They really have it out for this president; even to the point
> of bending the truth and hiding other elements of it. Not to say that this
> administration has not done the same thing at times, but we've come to
> expect this in politics, unfortunately.
> The thing I like about Bush is that he is not afraid to say how he feels
> and believes. He is not afraid to make a decision. Sometimes indecision is
> better than making a wrong decision in the eyes of many, but sometimes
> indecision and inaction is very dangerous.
> The gripes that you hear coming out of those who are against Bush and this
> government aren't all problems that this administration created. You can't
> blame Bush for everything; well, I guess you can but you'd be wrong. Many
> of the problems the nation faces today have been lingering for 15-20 years
> or longer. I didn't hear anyone griping about them when Clinton was in
> office beacuse most people liked Clinton. You see, for a lot of people it
> is personal.
> Now if you are against the war in Iraq; then you can blame Bush. If you are
> upset about rising fuel costs, you can partially blame Bush (which I do, by
> the way). But if you are upset about illegal immigration or the lack of a
> future for social security, you can't rightfully blame Bush. These were
> problems that were there before he ever took office, but I often still hear
> people blaming him for them.
> As far as terrorism goes; Bush usn't inciting people anymore than they were
> already. Fundamentalist Islam hates America, period. Our way of life is
> against what their religion teaches and it (our way of life) continues to
> entice many young people out of Islam. 9/11 happened before the "war on
> terror" or the war in Iraq (although it seems many forget this fact). They
> came on our soil and blew up our buidlings. Swift action had to be taken to
> send a message to terrorists who wold hate America even if Mickey Mouse was
> president.
> I don't agree with this administration on everything; in fact, I disagree
> with it a lot. However, I don't let my personal feelings take me on wild
> flights of fancy like "the governement is completely evil" or "the
> government is trying to kill me". It is in those statements that logic is
> absent.
> Bobby Clark
> >From: "Zeke Yewdall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] You were saying?
> >Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:18:11 -0600
> >
> >On 4/19/06, Bobby Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yeah, the US missed the opportunity to have someone in office that
> >
> >couldn't
> >
> > > make a decision if the life and health of the nation depended on it. I
> >
> >would
> >
> > > feel really safe if the democrats had control of the White House...
> >
> >Well, maybe the democrats couldn't make a decision to save their
> >lives, but that's slightly better than making the wrong decision,
> >which is what the current administration seems to be doing all of the
> >time.  I for one would prefer an ineffectual government to a downright
> >evil government that's trying to kill me and the rest of the world.
> >Even forgetting all of the domestic attacks on our environment,
> >climate, health care, etc..., the "war on terror" is doing a better
> >job of creating more terrorists who hate us than ridding the world of
> >terror (admittedly sort of a hard thing for the US to do in earnest,
> >since we've sponsored so much of it through the years...)
> >
> >On the other hand, there is something to be said for the Bush
> >administration's effect on organizing everyone.  If Gore or Kerry had
> >won, would we have the massive outrage against the US government that
> >we have now?  Probably not.  It would have been "not that bad", but
> >"not that bad" is not a goal to strive for.  I've heard this argument
> >here a few times, and although I don't entirely agree (it seems a
> >little like saying Hurricaine Katrina and all the deaths it caused was
> >a good thing because it will raise awareness of global warming), there
> >is a point there.
> >
> > > >From: robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To:
> > > >To:
> > > >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] You were saying?
> > > >Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:47:29 -0700
> > > >
> > > >Hakan Falk wrote:
> > > > > US missed an opportunity in the last election, but Bush cannot stay
> > > > > after his period, if he does not also try to pull AH's last trick.
> > > > > I doubt that this can be done in US, nothing is really left other
> > > > > than the hope that next election will be more kind to the world.
> > > >
> > > >       Are you kidding?  We could have Jeb, then Neil, then Marvin,
> > > > and after them, Jenna and Barbara.  We could have a Bush family
> > > > dynasty for better than 50 years over here!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >robert luis rabello
> > > >"The Edge of Justice"
> > > >Adventure for Your Mind
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
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