Bush has done what good for the common worker? If you know
something, let me know. I do know that he has tried to
privatize social security and that Congess cannot negociate for lower prices
on drugs. We have the Patriot Act which means you, me, anyone, can
be labeled as a suspected enemy combatant and put into limbo for
rendering.  He has attacked the environment like no other. He has
complete, total, disregard for clean air, national forests, pollution.
Bush doesn't want to kill us. He wants to control every aspect of
our lives though. Isn't that pretty close to being dead? How can we
be labeled as a democratic country when everyone of us is
subject to surveillance, the Patriot Act, and now the Fifth
Column threat. How can we be called democratic when our
government could care less about our lives unless we are
super rich? Bush has done this to us. He wants to transfer
most of our assets to the elite rich while squeezing us dry. That
way we can't resist further controls put onto us. We will be too
busy just trying to survive. We are afloat in easy credit here. This
is just another way to get us into financial trouble. Who benefits
from this? Declaring bunkruptcy won't work anymore due to
legislation that protects the lender.
Why are we
in Iraq? Saddam was not involved in 9/11 and even disliked
Osama and his group. (Myself, I believe 9/11 was manufactured by
Bush Regime.) He was a bad guy but there is no shortage
of bad guys. In fact, it is they that seem to get to the top of the
pecking order, through bluff and intimidation. It is suspected that
up to 300,000 innocent Iraqis have died. Most Iraqis are sick of
the occupation and want us to leave asap.
Now tell me what good has Bush done for the super wealthy
and the military-industrial complex? I think we both know the
answer to that one. Bush's dad is a member of the Carlyle Group
which is defense industry deal maker. Bush/Cheney are oilmen.
Iraq has oil. So does Iran. So does Venezuela. The latter two
are being systematically demonized by BushCo. Wonder why?
In fact there are reports that Bush has already moved troops
into Iran. Dennis Kucinich wrote a letter to Bush about this.
The more you look the more you see that this war is making billions
every month for Halliburton, Bechtel, Brown and Root, and the
numerous defense contractors that make the planes, helicopters,
electronic systems, weapons, munitions, etc. Cheney, Halliburton
CEO before becoming V-P,  will be amply
rewarded for his "work" after he retires. Bush too, of course. It
is all a scam being played on the American people who are pretty
naive. Although they are stirring from their sleep, finally.
But hey, before Bush got appointed
president, I was just another American sleepwalker who was impossibly
out of touch with the reality of DC politics.
Sorry for the rant, but Dubya does this to me.
Peace, D. Mindock

> On 4/19/06, Bobby Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The Bush Administration is not trying to kill you. Sounds like a little
>> paranoia.
> Interesting...They used the death of 3000 Americans in New York as
> justification to send another 3000 to die in Irag.  Not trying to kill
> who?
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