Hi dee hi Todd

>Yo dee ho Keith,
> > This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
> > if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
> > they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered
> > him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
> > you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huckhhhh....."
>My feelings are oh so hurt.

:-) Well I'm not going to give you a methoxide icecream to cheer you 
up like the other guy.

> > As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
> > forget everything there and start over.
>Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as 
>to declare others less than capable - that would be the poor dear 
>Ginny in Denver - just couldn't seem to identify how or where she 
>had fouled up a five gallon batch and started asking for help from 
>anyone who had some insight.
>Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's 
>instructed everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear 
>would have found herself in midst of such a problem without a clue 
>as to how to extract herself.

That's funny!

>Oh well. People pick their own poison.

But they should keep them to themselves.

>I'd all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself 
>for outing him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't 
>think he's ever forgiven me either...., sniff..., smurf..., 
>snuffle..., snarf.....

There, I knew you'd cheer up even without the methoxide icecream. The 
dumb thing was that he complained like mad when you outed him and 
said you'd jeopardised his career and so on, but all you did was 
notice what he'd posted himself at the very same place before he 
adopted the nom-de-plume. What a bonehead.

>Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, 
>compressed nutshell of a package of destruction that's really 
>screwed a lot of people that could have been doing a lot of good.

Yes. Real pity about all the collateral.

>Glad you still take some time to check the bilge pumps and make sure 
>the sewage and it's rats don't decimate the entire grassroots 
>biodiesel sector.

Maintenance and hygiene you know. Otherwise we'd all go down with 
virtual bird flu or something. Or BSE I suppose if it's left to this 

>Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of 
>black and tan and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of 
>acid/base biodiesel..., you know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't 

I'm glad you're wasting your precious time in such a productive way. 
It's amazing that it doesn't work so well, so many people find that. 
It doesn't work really well with me too, I get great bad results. LOL!

Ah well, enough of the freak show, let's leave it now.



>Todd Swearingen
>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Please note the bit at the end:



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