--- "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think this poll shows how the short term memory of
> Americans is totally lacking. Also it shows
> how effective the propaganda machine of BushCo is.
> In a word, terrorfying.
> Peace, D. Mindock  P.S. We have met the enemy and he
> is us.
> Poll: Strong U.S. Support for Bombing Iran 
> An Internet poll sponsored by NewsMax.com reveals
> that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of the
> United States undertaking military action to stop
> Iran's nuclear weapons program. 
> Nearly 60,000 people have taken part in the poll so
> far, and more than nine out of 10 say U.S. efforts
> to contain Iran's weapons program are not working. 
> A large majority of respondents also believe that
> Iran poses a greater threat than Saddam Hussein did
> before the Iraq War. 
> NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to
> major media and share them with radio talk-show
> hosts across the country. 
> Here are the poll questions and results:
> 1) Do you believe U.S. efforts to contain Iran's
> nuclear weapons program are working?
> Working: 7 percent
> Not Working: 93 percent 
> 2) Should the United States rely solely on the U.N.
> to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?
> Yes: 11 percent
> No: 89 percent 
> 3) Do you believe Iran poses a greater threat than
> Saddam Hussein did before the Iraq War?
> Yes: 88 percent
> No: 12 percent 
> 4) Should the U.S. undertake military action against
> Iran to stop their program?
> Yes: 77 percent
> No: 23 percent 
> 5) Who should undertake military action against Iran
> first?
> U.S.: 45 percent
> Israel: 35 percent
> Neither: 20 percent 
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hi, Americans are still living in the wild west. They
have to catch up with the rest of the civilised world.
The only super power left-should behave with
responsibilty for this planet. Unfortunately US is run
by cow boys. God help this planet.

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