Guess I shouldn't have sent that investment check - darn, he seemed so 
nice, too.

David Miller wrote:

>D. Mindock wrote:
>>Here is a Philippine inventor who first started running cars on only
>>water almost 30 years ago. He has 100 engines he has converted that
>>will run on just tap or sea water. Needless to say all the car
>>companies have tried to steal his technology so he is going to share
>>it with anybody and everybody in a partnership with profits going to
>>the Philippine people, but not the government. Watch this video at:
>>1 liter of water will run the car for an hour. Very efficient electrolysis 
>>is used to get the hydrogen
>>from the water while the car's in operation.  Peace, D. Mindock 
>To be the first of many, I'm sure, but....
>You don't really believe this do you?  I mean I had this very idea when 
>I was in the sixth grade, but I did grow up.
>Basic physics so I'm not accused of ad-hominem attacks....
>"very efficient electrolysis" from a physics point of view means that 
>you get most of the energy out of the cell that you put in in 
>electricity.  100% efficient would mean that you've got a perpetual 
>motion machine - just keep electrolyzing the water and running an engine 
>on it.
>It would be cool if it were otherwise - the energy crisis would be over 
>and we wouldn't even need to make biofuels.  Generators could run on 
>water, electricity could be produced and we'd only have water vapor for 
>Only it can't happen.  A liter of water isn't going to electrolyze 
>itself and produce useful energy.  It's the result of an energy 
>producing chemical reaction and it's going to take energy to reverse it.
>--- David
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