
Many of the high voltage transformers in 
electricity distribution are filled with oil for 
insulation and cooling purposes. In this case I 
belive it is mineral oils, but it is many years 
(40) since I worked with this and do not completely trust my memory.


At 14:54 16/05/2006, you wrote:
>Ah, the computer. Understood.
>How about food grade, Citation™ and Avatech™ White Mineral Oil (for example)?
>...although mineral oils might actually conduct 
>electricity. I haven't done enough research yet. 
>In any event, I think it's quite possible to 
>have a clear, non-conductive oil with relatively good heat transfer qualities.
>There are optical fluids (oils) used in the 
>manufacture of some high power microscopes (for example).
>I snipped a portion from a site about oil cooled 
>computers. I think it's applicable here.
>"The gunk factor and the place smelling like 
>vegetable oil makes me think that a 
>petrochemical or mineral oil would be the best 
>bet.. I suppose any reasonably non-conductive 
>fluid medium would work. Heh.. Thinned-down 
>petroleum jelly for a porn server? I wonder how conductive gasoline is.."
>I like their spunk!
>Jason & Katie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>i wasnt talking about your idea, i was speaking of the computer.
>anyway if you were to go about it this way, you would need a "white oil"
>which is totally clear, and colorless because any color or particulates
>would lower the applied sunlight. this would produce more heat, yes, but the
>electrical power would be reduced. from an application standpoint the
>question is "is the tradeoff worth it?" it all depends on what results you
>are after.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Michael Redler
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 8:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Solar Concentrator & PV Modules
>What does extreme mean?
>The way I see it, there is probably less materials (no special methods for
>interfacing PV panel and cooling). I visualize the PV panels in a clear, oil
>tight enclosure with an inlet, outlet, a length of tubing, heat exchanger
>(radiator) and circulating pump. As far as hardware is concerned, I don't
>see this as a huge departure from what we've already been talking about.
>Now, this thread contains lot of "it won't work" type statements which are
>not supported with a hell of a lot of information. Simply put, it's a bit of
>a turn-off.
>So, if you have a position that questions the validity of an idea, please
>back it up with something more than "that's just a touchbit extreme...".
>Thank you in advance.
>Jason & Katie wrote:
>that's just a touchbit extreme...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Michael Redler
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 7:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Solar Concentrator & PV Modules
>As we all know, there are a lot of ways to harvest waste heat but the one
>that stands out in my mind is from a message posted about six months ago. I
>don't know if this is a solution, but I'm definitely curious to know one way
>or the other.
>1) Oils are generally non-conductive so, the PV cells can be immersed in it
>without shorting.
>2.) Some oils can come with fairly good optical qualities - important for
>passing light to PV and transforming light to electricity.
>Joe: I remember reading your post about experimenting with black bodies and
>it looks like you have a background that may be useful here. Maybe you can
>chime in (if your reading this thread)?
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