Hi Joe,

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 03:50:26PM BST, Joe Street wrote:
> Ok I am ready to publish the manual and BOM for my homebrew reactor.  I 
> want to offer it under some sort of copyleft license. The GPL is worded 
> specifically for software but says pretty much what I wish to say about 
> the open source and sharing of my published information i.e. that it can 
> be freely copied and distributed but that no one can charge money for 
> it. Does anyone on the list know of a public type license which is more 
> appropriate for this kind of documentation?  Also I am considering how 
> to bundle the information with the license so that it comes as part of 
> the package or my website contains some sort of gateway so that 
> acceptance of the terms is required before download is allowed.  I am 
> real dumb when it comes to how to set this up and am looking for help or 
> suggestions from anyone who is savvy.

You might like to have a look at:


might be something more suitable for you there.

Toodle pip,


Al Girling

Home page:                  <http://al.sdf-eu.org>
Linux User: #290080         <http://counter.li.org>

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