>Yeah, I mean, the guys still alive.  Lets not biodegrade him yet.

It said on the box the stork brought that I'm 100% biodegradeable, 
but maybe it just meant the box. The family said the stork was good 
though, but they didn't like the trimmings it came with (me).

>On 6/1/06, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>I think anything can compost/bio-degrade Keith
> >
> > I think bio-degrading Keith is a bit harsh.  I believe if you 
>just have a word with him that will suffice.

Well I don't really mind, better than the glue factory, but I'll put 
a serious hex on anyone who uses me to push up tulips, I hate tulips. 
I guess deadly nightshades would be okay.


> > Appal Energy wrote:
> >
> > >Well...,
> > >
> > >I think anything can compost/bio-degrade Keith, even pig iron and Exxon
> > >Valdez dropping.
> > >


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